
Mapdl.vlscale(nv1='', nv2='', ninc='', rx='', ry='', rz='', kinc='', noelem='', imove='', **kwargs)#

Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes.


nv1, nv2, ninc

Set of volumes (NV1 to NV2 in steps of NINC) that defines the pattern to be scaled. NV2 defaults to NV1, NINC defaults to 1. If NV1 = ALL, NV2 and NINC are ignored and the pattern is defined by all selected volumes. If NV1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NV1 (NV2 and NINC are ignored).

rx, ry, rz

Scale factors to be applied to the X, Y, and Z keypoint coordinates in active coordinate system (RR, Rθ, RZ for cylindrical; RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical). Note that the Rθ and RΦ scale factors are interpreted as angular offsets. For example, if CSYS = 1, RX, RY, RZ input of (1.5,10,3) would scale the specified keypoints 1.5 times in the radial and 3 times in the Z direction, while adding an offset of 10 degrees to the keypoints. Zero, blank, or negative scale factor values are assumed to be 1.0. Zero or blank angular offsets have no effect.


Increment to be applied to keypoint numbers for generated set. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers will be assigned [NUMSTR].


Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:

0 - Nodes and elements associated with the original volumes will be generated

(scaled) if they exist.

1 - Nodes and elements will not be generated.


Specifies whether volumes will be moved or newly defined:

0 - Additional volumes will be generated.

1 - Original volumes will be moved to new position (KINC and NOELEM are ignored).

Use only if the old volumes are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.


Generates a scaled set of volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, areas, and mesh) from a pattern of volumes. The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based on the volumes in the pattern and not the current settings. Scaling is done in the active coordinate system. Volumes in the pattern could have been generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.