Inline functions#

These are wrapped versions of inline APDL functions that perform operations like finding the x-coordinate of a node given its number (Query.nx).

class ansys.mapdl.core.inline_functions.Query(mapdl)#

Class containing all the inline functions of APDL.

Most of the results of these methods are shortcuts for specific combinations of arguments supplied to ansys.mapdl.core.Mapdl.get().

Currently implemented functions:

  • centrx(e) - get the centroid x-coordinate of element e

  • centry(e) - get the centroid y-coordinate of element e

  • centrz(e) - get the centroid z-coordinate of element e

  • nx(n) - get the x-coordinate of node n

  • ny(n) - get the y-coordinate of node n

  • nz(n) - get the z-coordinate of node n

  • kx(k) - get the x-coordinate of keypoint k

  • ky(k) - get the y-coordinate of keypoint k

  • kz(k) - get the z-coordinate of keypoint k

  • lx(n, lfrac) - X-coordinate of line n at length fraction lfrac

  • ly(n, lfrac) - Y-coordinate of line n at length fraction lfrac

  • lz(n, lfrac) - Z-coordinate of line n at length fraction lfrac

  • lsx(n, lfrac) - X-slope of line n at length fraction lfrac

  • lsy(n, lfrac) - Y-slope of line n at length fraction lfrac

  • lsz(n, lfrac) - Z-slope of line n at length fraction lfrac

  • ux(n) - get the structural displacement at node n in x

  • uy(n) - get the structural displacement at node n in y

  • uz(n) - get the structural displacement at node n in z

  • rotx(n) - get the rotational displacement at node n in x

  • roty(n) - get the rotational displacement at node n in y

  • rotz(n) - get the rotational displacement at node n in z

  • nsel(n) - get the selection status of node n

  • ksel(k) - get the selection status of keypoint k

  • lsel(n) - get the selection status of line n

  • asel(a) - get the selection status of area a

  • esel(n) - get the selection status of element e

  • vsel(v) - get the selection status of volume v

  • ndnext(n) - get the next selected node with a number greater than n.

  • kpnext(k) - get the next selected keypoint with a number greater than k.

  • lsnext(n) - get the next selected line with a number greater than n.

  • arnext(a) - get the next selected area with a number greater than a.

  • elnext(e) - get the next selected element with a number greater than e.

  • vlnext(v) - get the next selected volume with a number greater than v.

  • nnear(n) - get the selected node nearest node n.

  • knear(k) - get the selected keypoint nearest keypoint k.

  • enearn(n) - get the selected element nearest node n.

  • node(x, y, z) - get the node closest to coordinate (x, y, z)

  • kp(x, y, z) - get the keypoint closest to coordinate (x, y, z)


In this example we construct a solid box and mesh it. Then we use the Query methods nx, ny, and nz to find the cartesian coordinates of the first node. We can access these through the mapdl.queries property.

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
>>> mapdl = launch_mapdl()
>>> mapdl.prep7()
>>>, 'SOLID5')
>>> mapdl.block(0, 10, 0, 20, 0, 30)
>>> mapdl.esize(2)
>>> mapdl.vmesh('ALL')
>>> q = mapdl.queries
>>> q.nx(1), q.ny(1),
0.0 20.0 0.0

Query.node(x, y, z)

Return node closest to coordinate (x, y, z)., y, z)

Return keypoint closest to coordinate (x, y, z).


Return the x coordinate of the element centroid.


Return the y coordinate of the element centroid.


Return the z coordinate of the element centroid.


Return the x coordinate of a keypont.

Return the y coordinate of a keypont.

Return the z coordinate of a keypont.


Return the x coordinate of a node.


Return the y coordinate of a node.

Return the z coordinate of a node.


Returns x-component of structural displacement at a node.

Returns y-component of structural displacement at a node.

Returns z-component of structural displacement at a node.


Returns x-component of rotational displacement at a node.


Returns y-component of rotational displacement at a node.


Returns z-component of rotational displacement at a node.

Query.lx(n, lfrac)

X-coordinate of line n at length fraction lfrac., lfrac)

Y-coordinate of line n at length fraction lfrac.

Query.lz(n, lfrac)

Z-coordinate of line n at length fraction lfrac.

Query.lsx(n, lfrac)

X-slope of line n at length fraction lfrac.

Query.lsy(n, lfrac)

Y-slope of line n at length fraction lfrac.

Query.lsz(n, lfrac)

Z-slope of line n at length fraction lfrac.


Returns selection status of a node.


Returns selection status of a keypoint.


Returns selection status of a line.


Returns selection status of an area.


Returns selection status of an element.


Returns selection status of a volume.