
Mapdl.devdisp(label='', key='', **kwargs)#

Controls graphics device options.



Device function label:


Disables display information sorting for PowerGraphics displays. When activated (KEY = 1 or ON), model rotations and replots are performed without recalculating edge and surface data. This will speed up the rotation (especially for 2-D displays) of large models, although the display information will not be resolved as quickly (you will see a bounding box instead of the model during dynamic rotations). The default is OFF (KEY = 0).


Dithering. When turned on (default), dithering smooths transitions in color intensity. Applies only to Z-buffered displays.


Font selection for the ANSYS graphics window. When Label = FONT, the command format is: /DEVDISP,FONT,KEY,Val1,Val2,Val3,VAL4,Val5,Val6, where KEY determines the type of font being controlled, and values 1 through 6 control various font parameters. Note that these values are device specific; using the same command input file [/INPUT] on different machines may yield different results.The following KEY values determine the font information that will be supplied to the appropriate driver (e.g., Postscript, X11, Win32, JPEG, …):

KEY = 1

The command controls the LEGEND (documentation column) font.

KEY = 2

The command controls the ENTITY (node and keypoint number) font.

KEY = 3

The command controls the ANNOTATION/GRAPH font.

Linux: Values 1 through 4 are used to find a match in the X11 database of font strings. Values 1, 2, and 3 are character strings; value 4 is a nonzero integer: - Val1

Family name (e.g., Courier*New). Substitute an asterisk (*) for any blank character that appears in a family name. If Val1 = MENU, all other values are ignored, and a font selection menu appears (GUI must be active). - Val2

Weight (e.g., medium) - Val3

Slant (e.g., r) - Val4

Pixel size (e.g., 14). Note that this value does not affect the annotation fonts (KEY = 3). Use the /TSPEC command to control the pixel size of your annotation fonts. - Val5

unused - Val6

unused - PC: The values are encoded in a PC logical font structure. Value 1 is a

character string, and the remaining values are integers:

Val1 - Family name (e.g., Courier*New) Substitute an asterisk (*) for any blank

character that appears in a family name. If Val1 = MENU, all other values are ignored and a font selection menu appears (GUI must be active). A value containing all blank characters causes ANSYS to use the first available resource it finds.

Val2 - Weight (0 - 1000)

Val3 - Orientation (in tenths of a degree)

Val4 - Height (in logical units) Note that this value does not affect the annotation

fonts (KEY =3). Use the /TSPEC command to control the height of your annotation fonts.

Val5 - Width (in logical units)

Val6 - Italics (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)

TEXT - Text size specification for the ANSYS Graphics window. When Label = TEXT, the

command format is: /DEVDISP,TEXT,KEY,PERCENT, where KEY determines the type of text being controlled (1 for LEGEND, and 2 for ENTITY), and PERCENT specifies the new text size as a percent of the default text size. If PERCENT = 100, the new text size is precisely the default size. If PERCENT = 200, the new text size is twice the default text size.


Control key:

OFF or 0 - Turns specified function off.

ON or 1 - Turns specified function on.