
Mapdl.ancyc(numframes='', kcycl='', delay='', **kwargs)#

Applies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic

APDL Command: ANCYC symmetry analysis.


The number of plot frames for the animation. Valid values range from 5 through 36. The default is 18. A low value (because it specifies fewer graphical frames) produces a rougher animation but loads faster. A high value produces a smoother animation but requires more time to load.


The animation mode:

0 - Continuous animation cycle (forward-reverse-forward).

1 - Discontinuous animation cycle (forward-reset-forward). This option is the



The time delay (in seconds) between animation frames. Valid values range from 0.1 through 1.0. The default is 0.1 seconds, which produces a seemingly real-time animation. A higher value produces a slower animation.


The ANCYC command is valid in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis only.

The command animates the cyclic symmetry mode shape plot in the General Post Processor (/POST1). When you issue a nodal- or element-results plot command (for example, PLNSOL, PLESOL, or PLDISP) and then issue the ANCYC command, ANSYS applies a traveling wave animation to the mode shape plot.

Each frame of the animation is created by expanding the cyclic symmetry mode shape at increasing phase angles (via the /CYCEXPAND command) starting at zero in equal increments over 360°. The phase-angle increment is 360 / NUMFRAMES.

The animation display shows the traveling wave of the result quantity being plotted. The traveling wave animation is applicable only to nodal diameters (harmonic indices) greater than 0 and less than N / 2 (where N is the number of cyclic sectors in the model).

For more information, see Applying a Traveling Wave Animation to the Cyclic Model in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.