
Mapdl.anharm(nfram='', delay='', ncycl='', nperiod='', cms_antype='', cms_modopt='', **kwargs)#

Produces an animated sequence of time-harmonic results or complex mode

APDL Command: ANHARM shapes.


Number of frame captures per cycle. Defaults to 12.


Time delay (seconds) during animation. Defaults to 0.1 seconds.


Number of animation cycles. Defaults to 5. Not available in the GUI.


Period number for the second set of frames showing the decay or growth of a mode shape. Only applies to complex mode shape animation. Defaults to 1, animating the decay or growth on the first period. Issue -1 to animate without decay or growth.


Analysis type performed in the CMS use pass. No default.

MODAL - Modal analysis

HARMIC - Harmonic analysis


Mode extraction method selected in the CMS use pass. No default.

UNSYM - Unsymmetric matrix

DAMP - Damped system

QRDAMP - Damped system using QR algorithm


ANHARM invokes an ANSYS macro which produces an animated sequence of:

Time-harmonic results in the case of a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE,HARMIC)

Complex mode shapes in the case of a modal analysis (ANTYPE,MODAL).

In both cases, the results are those of the last plot action (for example, PLNSOL,B,SUM).

The animation converts the complex solution variables (real and imaginary sets) into time varying results over one period. For example, if NFRAM = 12, then the frame captures are in increments of 30 degree phase angles.

A second set of NFRAM frames will be generated for damped eigenmodes from complex eigensolvers to visualize any exponential decay or growth of the oscillations. The second set generated will display frames from the period number specified by NPERIOD.

In a CMS analysis, the ANHARM command can be used after the CMS expansion pass or the use pass. To use ANHARM after the expansion pass, you must indicate whether a modal analysis or a harmonic analysis was performed in the CMS use pass by setting CMS_ANTYPE to either MODAL or HARMIC. If the use pass was a modal analysis, you must also set the CMS_MODOPT field to indicate the mode extraction method that was used (UNSYM, DAMP, or QRDAMP). If CMS_MODOPT = QRDAMP, it is assumed that CPXMOD was set to ON in the MODOPT command to request complex eigenmodes. If the ANHARM command is used after the use pass, it is not necessary to set the CMS_ANTYPE or CMS_MODOPT arguments.

For more information about complex results postprocessing, see POST1 and POST26 – Complex Results Postprocessing in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference