
Mapdl.cmsfile(option='', fname='', ext='', cmskey='', **kwargs)#

Specifies a list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files for

APDL Command: CMSFILE plotting results on the assembly.


Specifies the command operation:

ADD - Add the specified component results file (Fname) to the list of files to plot.

This option is the default.

DELETE - Remove the specified component results file (Fname) from the list of files to


LIST - List all specified component results files.

CLEAR - Clear all previous files added.

ALL - Add all component results (.rst) files from the working directory to the list

of files to plot.


The file name (with full directory path) of the component results file. The default file name is the Jobname (specified via the /FILNAME command).


The file name (Fname) extension. The default extension is .rst.


Valid only when adding a results file (Option = ADD or ALL), this key specifies whether or not to check the specified .rst file to determine if it was created via a CMS expansion pass:

ON - Check (default).

OFF - Do not check.


The CMSFILE command specifies the list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files to include when plotting the mode shape of an assembly.

During postprocessing (/POST1) of a CMS analysis, issue the CMSFILE command to point to component results files of interest. (You can issue the command as often as needed to include all or some of the component results files.) Issue the SET command to acquire the frequencies and mode shapes from substeps for all specified results files. Execute a plot (PLNSOL) or print (PRNSOL) operation to display the mode shape of the entire assembly.

When you specify a results file to add to the plot list, the default behavior of the command (CmsKey = ON) is to first verify that the file is from a CMS analysis and that the frequencies of the result sets on the file match the frequencies on the first file in the list. If CmsKey = OFF, you can add any .rst file to the list of files to plot, even if the file was not expanded via a CMS expansion pass.

If CmsKey = ON (default), output from the command appears as: ADD CMS FILE = filename.rst. : If CmsKey = OFF, output from the command appears as: ADD FILE = filename.rst.

If Option = DELETE or CLEAR, you must clear the database (/CLEAR), then re-enter the postprocessor (/POST1) and issue a SET command for the change to take effect on subsequent plots.

Clearing the database does not clear the list of files specified via the CMSFILE command. Specify Option = CLEAR to clear the list of files.