
Mapdl.fc(mat='', lab1='', lab2='', data1='', data2='', data3='', data4='', data5='', data6='', **kwargs)#

Provides failure criteria information and activates a data

APDL Command: FC table to input temperature-dependent stress and strain limits.


Material reference number. You can define failure criteria for up to 250 different materials.


Type of data.

TEMP - Temperatures. Each of the materials you define can have a different set of temperatures to define the failure criteria.

EPEL - Strains.

S - Stresses.


Specific criteria. Not used if Lab1 = TEMP.

XTEN - Allowable tensile stress or strain in the x-direction. (Must be positive.)

XCMP - Allowable compressive stress or strain in the x-direction. (Defaults to negative of XTEN.)

YTEN - Allowable tensile stress or strain in the y-direction. (Must be positive.)

YCMP - Allowable compressive stress or strain in the y-direction. (Defaults to negative of YTEN.)

ZTEN - Allowable tensile stress or strain in the z-direction. (Must be positive.)

ZCMP - Allowable compressive stress or strain in the z-direction. (Defaults to negative of ZTEN.)

XY - Allowable XY stress or shear strain. (Must be positive.)

YZ - Allowable YZ stress or shear strain. (Must be positive.)

XZ - Allowable XZ stress or shear strain. (Must be positive.)

XYCP - XY coupling coefficient (Used only if Lab1 = S). Defaults to -1.0. [1]

YZCP - YZ coupling coefficient (Used only if Lab1 = S). Defaults to -1.0. [1]

XZCP - XZ coupling coefficient (Used only if Lab1 = S). Defaults to -1.0. [1]

data1, data2, data3, … , data6

Description of DATA1 through DATA6.

T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 - Temperature at which limit data is input. Used only when Lab1 = TEMP.

V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 - Value of limit stress or strain at temperature T1 through T6. Used only when Lab1 = S or EPEL.


The data table can be input in either PREP7 or POST1. This table is used only in POST1. When you postprocess failure criteria results defined via the FC command (PLESOL, PRESOL, PLNSOL, PRNSOL, PRRSOL, etc.), the active coordinate system must be the coordinate system of the material being analyzed. You do this using RSYS, SOLU. For layered applications, you also use the LAYER command. See the specific element documentation in the Element Reference for information on defining your coordinate system for layers.

Some plotting and printing functions will not support Failure Criteria for your PowerGraphics displays. This could result in minor changes to other data when Failure Criteria are applied. See the appropriate plot or print command documentation for more information.