
Mapdl.prvect(item='', lab2='', lab3='', labp='', **kwargs)#

Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.



Predefined vector item (from Table 226: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels below) or a label identifying the i-component of a user-defined vector.


Label identifying the j-component of a user-defined vector. In most cases, this value must be blank if Item is selected from Table 226: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels. Individual principal stresses (Item = S) or principal strains (Item = EPxx) may be printed by specifying the value as 1, 2, or 3.


Label identifying the k-component of a user-defined vector. Must be blank if Item is selected from list below or for 2-D user defined vector.


Label assigned to resultant vector for printout labeling (defaults to Item).


Str object with the command console output. This object also has the extra methods: to_list(), to_array() (only on listing commands) and to_dataframe() (only if Pandas is installed).
NOTE: If you use these methods, you might obtain a lower precision than using Mesh methods.
For more information visit Postprocessing.


Prints various solution results as vector magnitude and direction cosines for the selected nodes and/or elements. For example, PRVECT,U prints the displacement magnitude and its direction cosines for all selected nodes. For nodal degree of freedom vector results, direction cosines are with respect to the results coordinate system RSYS. For element results, direction cosines are with respect to the global Cartesian system. Item components may be printed with the PRNSOL command. Various results also depend upon the recalculation method and the selected results location [LAYER, SHELL, NSEL, and ESEL]. Items may be selected from a set of recognized vector labels (Item) or a vector may be defined from up to three scalar labels (Item,Lab2,Lab3). Scalar labels may be user-defined with the ETABLE command.

Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS,POWER].

Table: 226:: : PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels