
Mapdl.pmgtran(fname='', freq='', fcnam1='', fcnam2='', pcnam1='', pcnam2='', ecnam1='', ccnam1='', **kwargs)#

Summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis.



File name (8 characters maximum) to which tabular data and plot files will be written. Must be enclosed in single quotes when the command is manually typed in. Defaults to MG_TRNS. The data file extension is .OUT and the plot file extension is .PLT.


Frequency of solution output. Defaults to 1. Every FREQth solution on the results file is output.

fcnam1, fcnam2

Names of element components for force calculation. Must be enclosed in single quotes when the command is manually typed in.

pcnam1, pcnam2

Names of element components for power loss calculation. Must be enclosed in single quotes when the command is manually typed in.

ecnam1, ccnam1

Names of element components for energy and total current calculations, respectively. Must be enclosed in single quotes when the command is manually typed in.


PMGTRAN invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates and summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis. The results are summarized by element components and listed on the screen as well as written to a file (Fname.OUT). Also, graph plots of results as a function of time are created and written to a file (Fname.PLT) for use in the DISPLAY program.

Two components may be selected for the summary of electromagnetic forces (see FMAGSUM), two for power loss, and one each for stored energy (see SENERGY) and total current (see CURR2D). See the referenced commands for other restrictions.

PMGTRAN is restricted to MKSA units.

Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.