shell#'', **kwargs)#

Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output.



Location within shell element (or layer) to obtain stress results:

TOP - Top of shell element (or layer) (default).

MID - Middle of shell element (or layer). The default method averages the TOP and BOT

values to obtain a mid value. Setting KEYOPT(8) = 2 for SHELL181, SHELL208, SHELL209, and ELBOW290 uses MID results obtained directly from the results file.

BOT - Bottom of shell element (or layer).


Selects the location within a shell element (or a shell layer) for results output (nodal stresses, strains, etc.). Applies to POST1 selects, sorts, and output [NSEL, NSORT, PRNSOL, PLNSOL, PRPATH, PLPATH, etc.], and is used for storage with the POST26 ESOL command. For example, SHELL,TOP causes item S of the POST1 PRNSOL command or the POST26 ESOL command to be the stresses at the top of the shell elements. For layered shell elements, use the LAYER (POST1) or LAYERP26 (POST26) command to select the layer. The SHELL command does not apply to the layered thermal shell elements, SHELL131 and SHELL132.

For PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS,POWER], the SHELL,MID command affects both the printed output and the displayed results, while the SHELL (TOP or BOT) command prints and displays both the top and bottom layers simultaneously. Note that /CYCEXPAND,ON automatically turns on PowerGraphics; however, for cyclic mode-superposition harmonic postprocessing (CYCFILES), the SHELL command prints and displays only the requested layer.

In POST26, the ESOL data stored is based on the active SHELL specification at the time the data is stored. To store data at various specifications (for example, stresses at the top and bottom locations), issue a STORE command before each new specification.