
Mapdl.askin(nl1='', nl2='', nl3='', nl4='', nl5='', nl6='', nl7='', nl8='', nl9='', **kwargs)#

Generates an area by “skinning” a surface through guiding lines.



The first guiding line forming the skinned area. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining arguments are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1. If NL1 is negative, the line beginnings and ends will be used to direct the skinning of the remaining lines (see “Changing the ASKIN Algorithm” below).

nl2, nl3, nl4, … , nl9

The additional guiding lines for the skinned area (up to 9 total lines, including NL1, if using keyboard entry). If negative (and NL1 is negative), the line beginning and end will be temporarily interchanged for the skinning operation (see “Changing the ASKIN Algorithm” below).


Generates an area by “skinning” a surface through specified guiding lines. The lines act as a set of “ribs” over which a surface is “stretched.” Two opposite edges of the area are framed by the first (NL1) and last (NLn) guiding lines specified. The other two edges of the area are framed by splines-fit lines which the program automatically generates through the ends of all guiding lines. The interior of the area is shaped by the interior guiding lines. Once the area has been created, only the four edge lines will be attached to it. In rare cases, it may be necessary to change the default algorithm used by the ASKIN command (see “Changing the ASKIN Algorithm” below).

When skinning from one guiding line to the next, the program can create the transition area in one of two ways: one more spiraled and one less spiraled (“flatter”). By default, the program attempts to produce the flatter transition, instead of the more spiraled transition. This algorithm can be changed by inputting NL1 as a negative number, in which case the program connects all the keypoints at the line “beginnings” (/PSYMB,LDIR command) as one edge of the area, and all the line “ends” as the opposite edge, irrespective of the amount of spiraling produced in each transition area.

To further control the geometry of the area (if NL1 is negative), the beginning and end of any specified line (other than NL1) can be temporarily interchanged (for the skinning operation only) by inputting that line number as negative. See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration.