
Mapdl.cycopt(option='', value1='', value2='', value3='', value4='', value5='', value6='', value7='', **kwargs)#

Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis.



One of the following options:

BCMULT - Controls whether cyclic sector array parameter names are reused or created new

for multiple entities.

Value1 - The flag value.

0 (OFF or NO) - Create new array parameter names (default)

1(ON or YES) - Reuse array parameter names

COMBINE - For linear static cyclic symmetry analysis with non-cyclically symmetric

loading only, expands and combines all harmonic index solutions and writes them to the results file during the solution phase of the analysis.

Value1 - The flag value.

0 (OFF or NO) - Disable combining of harmonic index solutions (default)

1 (ON or YES) - Enable combining of harmonic index solutions

DEFAULT - Set the default cyclic solution settings.

DOF - The degrees of freedom to couple from the nodes on the low sector boundary to

nodes on the high boundary:

Value1 - The component pair ID number.

Value2, Value3, Value4, … , Value7 - The constraint-equation/-coupling degree of freedom (DOF) for this pair. Repeat

the command to add other DOFs. The default is constraint-equation/-coupling all applicable DOFs.

FACETOL - Tolerance for inclusion of surface nodes into your basic sector. Autodetect

defaults to 15°, accommodating most sections. Specify a new Value1 only when extreme cut angles or complex model geometry cause surface nodes to be excluded. See Notes (below) for more information.

ANSYS, Inc. recommends that successful auto-detection depends more on the value of ANGTOL than the value of FACETOL. Please refer to CYCOPT Auto Detection Tolerance Adjustments for Difficult Cases for more information about auto-detection and the CYCOPT command. - Value1

The face tolerance applies only to auto detection from node/element models (already meshed and no solid model), and it defaults to 15°. - HINDEX

The harmonic index solution ranges for modal or buckling cyclic symmetry analyses. The SOLVE command initiates a cyclic symmetry solution sequence at the harmonic indices specified. (By default, the SOLVE command solves for all available harmonic indices.) Static and harmonic cyclic symmetry solutions always use all harmonic indices required for the applied loads. - EVEN / ODD

For low-frequency electromagnetic analysis only, EVEN specifies a symmetric solution and ODD specifies an antisymmetric solution. - The value you specify is based on the harmonic index: EVEN (default) indicates

harmonic index = 0, and ODD indicates harmonic index = N / 2 (where N is an integer representing the number of sectors in 360°). A value of ODD applies only when N is an even number.

The CYCOPT command with this HINDEX option is cumulative. To remove an option (for example, EVEN), issue this command: CYCOPT,HINDEX,EVEN,,,-1 - ALL

Solve all applicable harmonic indices. - Note: Value2 must be blank.

Value1, Value2, Value3 - Solve harmonic indices in range Value1 through Value2 in steps of Value3.

Repeat the command to add other ranges. The default solves all applicable harmonic indices.

Value4 - The only valid value is -1. If specified, it removes Value1 through Value2 in

steps of Value3 from the set to solve. By default, if Value4 = -1 then Value1 = 0, Value2 = 0, and Value3 = 1.

Value5 - For static and harmonic analyses, the tolerance for determining if a Fourier

contribution of a load contributes to the response (default = 1.0E-5).

If Value5=STATIC, it forces the program to solve only the specified harmonic indices (even if a load may have a Fourier contribution in an index not specified). - LDSECT

Restricts subsequently defined force loads and surface loads to a specified sector. The restriction remains in effect until you change or reset it. This option is not available for harmonic analyses based on mode-superposition (CYCOPT,MSUP,1) - Value1

The sector number. A value other than 0 (default) is valid for a cyclic symmetry analysis with non-cyclically symmetric loading only. A value of 0 (or ALL) resets the default behavior for cyclic loading (where the loads are identical on all sectors). - MOVE

Specifies if the program should move high- or low-edge component nodes paired within the specified tolerance (TOLER) to create precisely matching pairs. - Value1

The flag value. - 0

Do not move edge component nodes (default) - 1 or HIGH

Move the high-edge component nodes to precisely match the low-edge component nodes - -1 or LOW

Move the low-edge component nodes to precisely match the high-edge component nodes - MSUP

For modal cyclic symmetry analysis only, this flag is used to limit the results written to the Jobname.MODE and Jobname.RST files in preparation for a subsequent mode-superposition-based analysis. In a linear perturbation modal analysis, this option must be specified in the first load step of the preceding base analysis. - m