
Mapdl.edpart(option='', partid='', cname='', **kwargs)#

Configures parts for an explicit dynamics analysis.



Option used to organize parts. (No default; Option must be specified.)

CREATE - Creates new PART IDs assigned to groups of elements with unique combinations of

MAT, TYPE, and REAL set numbers. If this option is issued repeatedly, the part list is overwritten, except for PART IDs created with the ADD option. Remaining fields are ignored for this option.

UPDATE - Updates the PART IDs for the element groups without changing the order of the

existing part list. If elements are redefined (or new elements are created) with different MAT, TYPE, or REAL set numbers, then use this option to create an updated list of PART IDs. Remaining fields are ignored for this option.

ADD - Assigns a user-specified PART ID (PARTID) to the elements contained in the

element component Cname, or to the currently selected set of elements if Cname = ALL. Use this option to assign a specific PART ID to an element group that has the same combination of MAT, TYPE, and REAL set numbers. An UPDATE operation is automatically performed on the currently selected set of elements immediately following the ADD operation.

DELE - Deletes a PART ID assigned by the ADD option. PARTID is also required. An

UPDATE operation is automatically performed on the currently selected set of elements immediately following the DELE operation.

LIST - Lists the PART IDs for the element groups. The part list consists of five

columns of numbers, one each for PART, MAT, TYPE, and REAL numbers, and one to indicate if the PART ID is used (including how many elements use it). The part list is based on the last CREATE or UPDATE operation. Remaining fields are ignored for this option.


A positive integer to be used as PART ID for the elements specified by Cname (no default). The number input must not be currently used for an existing part (except when Option = DELE). Any previously defined PART IDs for the elements, whether assigned by the user or created by ANSYS LS-DYNA, will be overwritten. The user-specified PART ID will not be changed by subsequent EDPART,CREATE or EDPART,UPDATE commands.


Element component name for user-specified PART ID definition (Option = ADD). If Cname = ALL (default), all currently selected elements are considered for the part. The elements in the element component (or the currently selected set of elements if Cname = ALL or blank) must have the same combination of MAT, TYPE, and REAL set numbers, or the ADD option will be ignored.


Certain ANSYS LS-DYNA commands (such as EDCGEN, EDLOAD, EDREAD, etc.) refer to PART IDs. You must define PART IDs (EDPART,CREATE or EDPART,ADD) before using these commands.

If parts are repeatedly created using Option = CREATE, the part list is continuously overwritten. This may cause problems for previously defined commands that reference a part number that has changed. To avoid this problem, the part list should be updated (Option = UPDATE) rather than recreated to obtain the current part list.

EDPART,ADD allows you to assign a specific part number to a group of elements instead of a number generated by the ANSYS LS-DYNA program. The user-specified PART IDs will not be changed by subsequent EDPART,CREATE or EDPART,UPDATE commands. Thus, you can use EDPART,ADD to specify PART IDs for some element groups, and use EDPART,CREATE or EDPART,UPDATE to assign PART IDs for the remaining element groups. Use EDPART,DELE to delete a PART ID generated by the ADD option. In this case, ANSYS LS-DYNA will generate a new PART ID for those elements associated with the deleted PART ID.

After creating or updating the part list, use EDPART,LIST to list the PART IDs and choose the correct one for use with other ANSYS LS-DYNA commands. For a detailed discussion on PART IDs, see The Definition of Part in the ANSYS LS-DYNA User’s Guide.

This command is also valid in SOLUTION.

Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.