
Mapdl.l2ang(nl1='', nl2='', ang1='', ang2='', phit1='', phit2='', **kwargs)#

Generates a line at an angle with two existing lines.

APDL Command: L2ANG

Generates a straight line (PHIT1-PHIT2) at an angle (ANG1) with an existing line NL1 (P1-P2) and which is also at an angle (ANG2) with another existing line NL2 (P3-P4). If the angles are zero the generated line is tangent to the two lines. The PHIT1 and PHIT2 locations on the lines are automatically calculated. Line P1-P2 becomes P1-PHIT1, P3-P4 becomes P3-PHIT2, and new lines PHIT1-P2, PHIT2-P4, and PHIT1-PHIT2 are generated. Line divisions are set to zero (use LESIZE, etc. to modify).


Number of the first line to be hit (touched by the end of the new line). If negative, assume P1 (see below) is the second keypoint of the line instead of the first.


Number of the second line to be hit. If negative, assume P3 is the second keypoint of the line instead of the first.


Angle of intersection (usually zero or 180) of generated line with tangent to first line.


Angle of intersection (usually zero or 180) of generated line with tangent to second line.


Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at hit location on first line (defaults to lowest available keypoint number [NUMSTR]).


Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at hit location on second line (defaults to lowest available keypoint number [NUMSTR]).


Line number of the generated line.

Return type:



Create two circles and join them with a line.

>>> k0 = mapdl.k("", 0, 0, 0)
>>> k1 = mapdl.k("", 0, 0, 1)
>>> k2 = mapdl.k("", 0, 0, 0.5)
>>> carc0 = mapdl.circle(k0, 1, k1)
>>> carc1 = mapdl.circle(k2, 1, k1)
>>> lnum = mapdl.l2ang(carc0[0], carc1[0], 90, 90)
>>> lnum