
Mapdl.lclear(nl1='', nl2='', ninc='', **kwargs)#

Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines.


nl1, nl2, ninc

Delete mesh for lines NL1 to NL2 (defaults to NL1) in steps of NINC (defaults to 1). If NL1 = ALL, NL2 and NINC are ignored and the mesh for all selected lines [LSEL] is deleted. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1 (NL2 and NINC are ignored).


Deletes all nodes and line elements associated with selected lines (regardless of whether the nodes or elements are selected). Nodes shared by adjacent meshed lines and nodes associated with non-line elements will not be deleted. Attributes assigned as a result of LATT are maintained. In the program’s response to the command, if a line or keypoint is tallied as “cleared,” it means either its node or element reference was deleted.