
Mapdl.lesize(nl1='', size='', angsiz='', ndiv='', space='', kforc='', layer1='', layer2='', kyndiv='', **kwargs)#

Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.



Number of the line to be modified. If ALL, modify all selected lines [LSEL]. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1.


If NDIV is blank, SIZE is the division (element edge) length. The number of divisions is automatically calculated from the line length (rounded upward to next integer). If SIZE is zero (or blank), use ANGSIZ or NDIV.


The division arc (in degrees) spanned by the element edge (except for straight lines, which always result in one division). The number of divisions is automatically calculated from the line length (rounded upward to next integer).


If positive, NDIV is the number of element divisions per line. If -1 (and KFORC = 1), NDIV is assumed to be zero element divisions per line. TARGE169 with a rigid specification ignores NDIV and will always mesh with one element division.


Spacing ratio. If positive, nominal ratio of last division size to first division size (if > 1.0, sizes increase, if < 1.0, sizes decrease). If negative, |SPACE| is nominal ratio of center division(s) size to end divisions size. Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing). For layer-meshing, a value of 1.0 normally is used. If SPACE = FREE, ratio is determined by other considerations


KFORC 0-3 are used only with NL1 = ALL. Specifies which selected lines are to be modified.

0 - Modify only selected lines having undefined (zero) divisions.

1 - Modify all selected lines.

2 - Modify only selected lines having fewer divisions

(including zero) than specified with this command.

3 - Modify only selected lines having more divisions than

specified with this command.

4 - Modify only nonzero settings for SIZE, ANGSIZ, NDIV,

SPACE, LAYER1, and LAYER2. If KFORC = 4, blank or 0 settings remain unchanged.


Layer-meshing control parameter. Distance which defines the thickness of the inner mesh layer, LAYER1. Elements in this layer are uniformly-sized with edge lengths equal to the specified element size for the line (either through SIZE or line- length/NDIV). A positive value for LAYER1 is interpreted as an absolute length, while a negative value in interpreted as a multiplier on the specified element size for the line. As a general rule, the resulting thickness of the inner mesh layer should be greater than or equal to the specified element size for the line. If LAYER1 = OFF, layer-meshing control settings are cleared for the selected lines. The default value is 0.0


Layer-meshing control parameter. Distance which defines the thickness of the outer mesh layer, LAYER2. Elements in this layer transition in size from those in LAYER1 to the global element size. A positive value of LAYER2 is interpreted as an absolute length, while a negative value is interpreted as a mesh transition factor. A value of LAYER2 = -2 would indicate that elements should approximately double in size as the mesh progresses normal to LAYER1. The default value is 0.0.


0, No, and Off means that SmartSizing cannot override specified divisions and spacing ratios. Mapped mesh fails if divisions do not match. This defines the specification as “hard”.


Defines the number of divisions and the spacing ratio on selected lines. Lines with previously specified divisions may also be changed.

This command is also valid for rezoning.