
Mapdl.lgen(itime='', nl1='', nl2='', ninc='', dx='', dy='', dz='', kinc='', noelem='', imove='', **kwargs)#

Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines.

APDL Command: LGEN


Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all keypoints in the given pattern automatically (or by KINC) each time after the first. ITIME must be > 1 for generation to occur.

nl1, nl2, ninc

Generate lines from pattern beginning with NL1 to NL2 (defaults to NL1) in steps of NINC (defaults to 1). If NL1 = ALL, NL2 and NINC are ignored and pattern is all selected lines [LSEL]. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1 (NL2 and NINC are ignored).

dx, dy, dz

Keypoint location increments in the active coordinate system (–, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, –, Dθ, – for spherical).


Keypoint increment between generated sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUMSTR].


Specifies if elements and nodes are also to be generated:

0 - Generate nodes and elements associated with the original lines, if they exist.

1 - Do not generate nodes and elements.


Specifies whether to redefine the existing lines:

0 - Generate additional lines as requested with the ITIME argument.

1 - Move original lines to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (ITIME,

KINC, and NOELM are ignored). Valid only if the old lines are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.


Generates additional lines (and their corresponding keypoints and mesh) from a given line pattern. The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the lines in the pattern and not upon the current settings. End slopes of the generated lines remain the same (in the active coordinate system) as those of the given pattern. For example, radial slopes remain radial, etc. Generations which produce lines of a size or shape different from the pattern (i.e., radial generations in cylindrical systems, radial and phi generations in spherical systems, and theta generations in elliptical systems) are not allowed. Note that solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. New line numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest available values [NUMSTR]).