
Mapdl.lsba(nl='', na='', sepo='', keepl='', keepa='', **kwargs)#

Subtracts areas from lines.

APDL Command: LSBA


Line (or lines, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected lines. If NL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL.


Area (or areas, if picking is used) to be subtracted. If ALL, use all selected areas. A component name may also be substituted for NA.


Behavior if the intersection of the lines and the areas is a keypoint or keypoints:

(blank) - The resulting lines will share keypoint(s) where they touch.

SEPO - The resulting lines will have separate, but coincident keypoint(s) where they



Specifies whether NL lines are to be deleted:

(blank) - Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN command.

DELETE - Delete NL lines after LSBA operation (override BOPTN command settings).

KEEP - Keep NL lines after LSBA operation (override BOPTN command settings).


Specifies whether NA areas are to be deleted:

(blank) - Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN command.

DELETE - Delete areas after LSBA operation (override BOPTN command settings).

KEEP - Keep areas after LSBA operation (override BOPTN command settings).


Generates new lines by subtracting the regions common to both NL lines and NA areas (the intersection) from the NL lines. The intersection can be a line(s) or keypoint(s). If the intersection is a keypoint and SEPO is blank, the NL line is divided at the keypoint and the resulting lines will be connected, sharing a common keypoint where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NL is divided into two unconnected lines with separate keypoints where they touch. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.