
Mapdl.morph(option='', remeshopt='', elemset='', armax='', voch='', arch='', step='', time='', stropt='', **kwargs)#

Specifies morphing and remeshing controls.



OFF - Turns off morphing for field elements (default).

ON - Turns on morphing for field elements.


OFF - Do not remesh (default).

ON - Remesh when element qualities fall below values

specified by ARMAX, VOCH, or ARCH as explained below. Valid only when Option is ON.

ALL - Remesh all selected elements if the quality of the

worst defined element falls below any quality requirement (default when Remeshopt = ON).

CompName - Specify a component name, up to 32

characters. All elements included in this component name are remeshed if the quality of the worst element falls below any quality requirement.


The maximum allowable element generalized aspect ratio. Defaults to 5.


The maximum allowable change of element size (area or volume). Defaults to 3.


The maximum allowable element aspect ratio change. Defaults to 3.


The frequency of element quality checking, based on time steps. A quality check takes place at the intervals defined by STEP. Defaults to 1 (quality check at every step).


A quality check takes place at the time point specified. Defaults to -1 (a quality check at every time point).



NO - There are no structural elements in the model (default).

YES - There are no structural elements in the model and the morphing happens after

the structural solution.


MORPH is applicable to any non-structural field analysis (not including fluid elements). It activates displacement degrees of freedom for non- structural elements so that boundary conditions may be placed on the field mesh to constrain the movement of the non-structural mesh during morphing. It morphs the non-structural mesh using displacements transferred at the surface interface between the structural field and the non-structural field. The displacements of non-structural elements are mesh displacements to avoid mesh distortion, but have no physical meaning except at the interface. MORPH does not support surface, link, or shell elements, or any element shape other than triangles, quads, tets, and bricks. Morphed fields must be in the global Cartesian system (CSYS = 0).

After each remesh, new databases and results files are written with the extensions .rth0n and .db0n, where n is the remesh file number (FieldName.rth01, FieldName.rth02, … and FieldName.db01, FieldName.db02, etc.). The original database file is FieldName.dbo. The FieldName.db01, FieldName.db02, etc. files have elements that are detached from the solid model.

Remeshing has the following restrictions:

Valid only for the electrostatic elements (PLANE121, SOLID122, and SOLID123)

Limited to triangle (2-D) and tetrahedral (3-D) options of these elements

Valid only for the MFS solver

No body loads allowed in the interior nodes of the remeshing domain

Nodes on the boundary cannot be remeshed; remeshing will not work if morphing failed on the surface nodes

Not suitable for extreme area or volume changes

This command is also valid in SOLUTION.