
Mapdl.mptemp(sloc='', t1='', t2='', t3='', t4='', t5='', t6='', **kwargs)#


Defines a temperature table for material properties.


Starting location in table for entering temperatures. For example, if SLOC = 1, data input in the T1 field applies to the first constant in the table. If SLOC = 7, data input in the T1 field applies to the seventh constant in the table, etc. Defaults to the last location filled + 1.

t1, t2, t3, … , t6

Temperatures assigned to six locations starting with SLOC. If a value is already in this location, it will be redefined. A blank (or zero) value for T1 resets the previous value in SLOC to zero. A value of zero can only be assigned by T1. Blank (or zero) values for T2 to T6 leave the corresponding previous values unchanged.


Defines a temperature table to be associated with the property data table [MPDATA]. These temperatures are also used for polynomial property evaluation, if defined [MP]. Temperatures must be defined in non-descending order. Issue MATER $ STAT to list the current temperature table. Repeat MPTEMP command for additional temperatures (100 maximum). If all arguments are blank, the temperature table is erased.

For clear definition, the temperature range you define with the MPTEMP command should include the entire range you’ll use in subsequently defined materials. To assist the user in this, the first (and only the first) excursion out of the temperature range defined by the MPTEMP commands is flagged with a warning message. Similarly, the reference temperature (TREF or MP,reft commands) should also fall in this same temperature range. If not and MP,alpx was used, a note will be output. If not, and MP,ctex or MP,thsx was used, an error message will be output.

This command is also valid in SOLUTION.