
Mapdl.nmodif(node='', x='', y='', z='', thxy='', thyz='', thzx='', **kwargs)#

Modifies an existing node.



Modify coordinates of this node. If ALL, modify coordinates of all selected nodes [NSEL]. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.

x, y, z

Replace the previous coordinate values assigned to this node with these corresponding coordinate values. Values are interpreted in the active coordinate system (R, θ, Z for cylindrical; R, θ, Φ for spherical or toroidal). Leaving any of these fields blank retains the previous value(s).


First rotation of nodal coordinate system about nodal Z (positive X toward Y). Leaving this field blank retains the previous value.


Second rotation of nodal coordinate system about nodal X (positive Y toward Z). Leaving this field blank retains the previous value.


Third rotation of nodal coordinate system about nodal Y (positive Z toward X). Leaving this field blank retains the previous value.


Modifies an existing node. Nodal coordinate system rotation angles are in degrees and redefine any existing rotation angles. Nodes can also be redefined with the N command.

See the NROTAT, NANG, and NORA commands for other rotation options.

This command is also valid in the /MAP processor.