
Mapdl.vglue(nv1='', nv2='', nv3='', nv4='', nv5='', nv6='', nv7='', nv8='', nv9='', **kwargs)#

Generates new volumes by “gluing” volumes.


nv1, nv2, nv3, … , nv9

Numbers of the volumes to be glued. If NV1 = ALL, all selected volumes will be glued (NV2 to NV9 will be ignored). If NV1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NV1.


Use of the VGLUE command generates new volumes by “gluing” input volumes. The glue operation redefines the input volumes so that they share areas along their common boundaries. The new volumes encompass the same geometry as the original volumes. This operation is only valid if the intersections of the input volumes are areas along the boundaries of those volumes. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.

The VGLUE command results in the merging of areas, lines, and keypoints at the common volume boundaries. The areas, lines, and keypoints of the lower numbered volume will be kept. This means one must be aware of volume numbering when multiple VGLUE commands are applied to avoid any “ungluing” of geometry.