
Mapdl.wtbcreate(iel='', node='', damp='', **kwargs)#

Creates a USER300 element to model the turbine for full aeroelastic

APDL Command: WTBCREATE coupling analysis and specifies relevant settings for the analysis.


Element number (next available number by default).


Node number connecting support structure and turbine.


Damping option for the turbine:

0 - Damping matrix obtained from the aeroelastic code plus Rayleigh damping


1 - Rayleigh damping only.

2 - Damping from the aeroelastic code only.


WTBCREATE invokes a predefined ANSYS macro that will automatically generate a turbine element and issue relevant data commands that are necessary to run a full aeroelastic coupling analysis. For detailed information on how to perform a fully coupled aeroelastic analysis, see Fully Coupled Wind Turbine Example in Mechanical APDL in the Mechanical APDL Programmer’s Reference.

The generated USER300 turbine element will have 9 nodes with node numbers NODE, NMAX+1, NMAX+2, …, NMAX+8, where NMAX is the maximum node number currently in the model.

There are 6 freedoms on the first node of the element: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ, and these are true structural freedoms. For all the other nodes (i.e., nodes 2 to 9), only the translational freedoms (UX, UY, UZ) are used. These are generalized freedoms that are internal to the turbine element and are used by the aeroelastic code only.

The element type integer of the USER300 element is the current maximum element type integer plus one.

The command will also set up the analysis settings appropriate for a full aeroelastic coupling analysis. These include full Newton-Raphson solution (NROPT,FULL) and a USRCAL command to activate the relevant user routines.