
Mapdl.dval(baseid='', lab='', value='', value2='', keycal='', **kwargs)#

Defines values at enforced motion base.

APDL Command: DVAL


The identification number of the enforced motion base (defined using the D command in the modal analysis).



U - Enforced displacement.

ACC - Enforced acceleration.


The value or table name reference for tabular boundary conditions. To specify a table, enclose the table name in percent (%) signs (DVAL,BaseID,U,%tablename%). Use the *DIM command to define a table.


The value of the second degree of freedom (if present). If the analysis type and the degree of freedom allow a complex input, VALUE is the real component and VALUE2 is the imaginary component.


Displacement result calculation key:

ON - Calculate absolute displacement and acceleration results (default).

OFF - Calculate relative displacement and acceleration results.


In a mode-superposition harmonic or transient analysis, you can apply enforced displacement or acceleration loads. If multiple loads are specified for the same base identification number (BaseID), the last load applied overrides the previous ones. For example, the following commands apply displacement to the base with identification number 1:

In this case, the acceleration (ACC) applied in the last command will override the displacement (U).

Issue LSCLEAR,LSOPT to delete DVAL command options from the database.

For more information, see Enforced Motion Method for Mode-Superposition Transient and Harmonic Analyses in the Structural Analysis Guide and Enforced Motion Method for Transient and Harmonic Analyses in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.