
Mapdl.sf(nlist='', lab='', value='', value2='', **kwargs)#

Specifies surface loads on nodes.

APDL Command: SF


Nodes defining the surface upon which the load is to be applied. Use the label ALL or P, or a component name. If ALL, all selected nodes [NSEL] are used (default). If P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).


Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under “Surface Loads” in the input table for each element type in the Element Reference.


Surface load value or table name reference for specifying tabular boundary conditions.


Second surface load value (if any).


Individual nodes may not be entered for this command. The node list is to identify a surface and the Nlist field must contain a sufficient number of nodes to define an element surface. The loads are internally stored on element faces defined by the specified nodes. All nodes on an element face (including midside nodes, if any) must be specified for the face to be used, and the element must be selected.

If all nodes defining a face are shared by an adjacent face of another selected element, the face is not free and will not have a load applied. If more than one element can share the same nodes (for example, a surface element attached to a solid element), select the desired element type before issuing the SF command. The SF command applies only to area and volume elements.

For shell elements, if the specified nodes include face one (which is usually the bottom face) along with other faces (such as edges), only face one is used. Where faces cannot be uniquely determined from the nodes, or where the face does not fully describe the load application, use the SFE command. A load key of 1 (which is typically the first loading condition on the first face) is used if the face determination is not unique. A uniform load value is applied over the element face.