
Mapdl.usrcal(rnam1='', rnam2='', rnam3='', rnam4='', rnam5='', rnam6='', rnam7='', rnam8='', rnam9='', **kwargs)#

Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated.


rnam1, rnam2, rnam3, … , rnam9

User-defined solution subroutine names to be activated. Up to nine may be defined on one command or multiple commands may be used. If Rnam1 = ALL, activate all valid user subroutines. If Rnam1 = NONE, deactivate all valid user subroutines. All characters are required:

USREFL - Allows user defined scalar field (body force) loads.

USERCV - Allows user defined convection (surface) loads.

USERPR - Allows user defined pressure (surface) loads.

USERFX - Allows user-defined heat flux (surface) loads.

USERCH - Allows user-defined charge density (surface) loads.

USERFD - Computes the complex load vector for the frequency domain logic.

USEROU - Allows user supplied element output.

USERMC - Allows user control of the hygrothermal growth).

USOLBEG - Allows user access before each solution.

ULDBEG - Allows user access before each load step.

USSBEG - Allows user access before each substep.

UITBEG - Allows user access before each equilibrium iteration.

UITFIN - Allows user access after each equilibrium iteration.

USSFIN - Allows user access after each substep.

ULDFIN - Allows user access after each load step.

USOLFIN - Allows user access after each solution.

UANBEG - Allows user access at start of run.

UANFIN - Allows user access at end of run.

UELMATX - Allows user access to element matrices and load vectors.

UTIMEINC - Allows a user-defined time step, overriding the program-determined time step.

UCNVRG - Allows user-defined convergence checking, overriding the program-determined



Allows certain user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated (system-dependent). This command only affects the subroutines named. Other user subroutines (such as user elements, user creep, etc.) have their own activation controls described with the feature.

The routines are commented and should be listed after performing a custom installation from the distribution media for more details. See also the Advanced Analysis Guide for a general description of user- programmable features.

Users must have system permission, system access, and knowledge to write, compile, and link the appropriate subroutines into the program at the site where it is to be run. All routines should be written in FORTRAN. (For more information on FORTRAN compilers please refer to either the ANSYS, Inc. Windows Installation Guide or the ANSYS, Inc. Linux Installation Guide for details specific to your platform or operating system.) Issue USRCAL,STAT to list the status of these user subroutines. Since a user-programmed subroutine is a nonstandard use of the program, the verification of any ANSYS run incorporating these commands is entirely up to the user. In any contact with ANSYS customer support regarding the performance of a custom version of the ANSYS program, you should explicitly state that a user programmable feature has been used.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.