
Mapdl.udoc(wind='', cl_ass='', key='', **kwargs)#

Determines position and content for the multi-legend options.

APDL Command: /UDOC


The window number to which the command applies. (defaults to 1)


The type (and relative importance) of legend item being displayed:


Contour legend. This legend item is controlled separately from the other legend items (see note below).


The items in the DATE class include the date and time, or the ANSYS graphical logo (/PLOPTS,LOGO,1). This item is shown by default in all plots.


The items in the GWIN class include the entity acronyms that appear in the legend of a multiplot of entities (Nodes, Elements, Keypoints, Lines, Areas, Volumes). GWIN items are shown by default for all GPLOT displays.


Items in the TYPE class include the plot type (e.g. ELEMENTS, MATERIALS, NODAL SOLUTIONS, etc.). TYPE items are shown by default in all plots.


Items in the TYP2 class include supplementary type information, such as DMAX and SMAX for nodal solutions. TYP2 items are shown by default in all plots.


Items in the INUM class include the number labels generated by the /PNUM command. This class is displayed by default in all plots that contain /PNUM information.


The items in the BCDC class include labels created by the /PBC command. This class is shown by default in all plots which contain /PBC information.


Items in the VECT class include labels created by the PLVECT command. This class is shown by default for all PLVECT plots.


The items in the SURF class include labels from the /PSF legend. This class is shown by default on all plots of surface boundary conditions.


Items from the BODY class include labels from the /PBF legend. This class is shown by default in all plots of body forces.


Items from the PSTA class include stress scaling statistics, such as the /SSCALE setting. This class is not shown as the default for any type of plot, and must be specifically referenced to display the included data.


The items in the VIEW class include view statistics. This class is not shown as the default for any type of plot, and must be specifically referenced to display the included data.


The items in the MISC class include supplementary labels like /EXPANDED and Stress Section Cross Section. This class is not shown as the default for any type of plot, and must be specifically referenced to display the included data.




The legend classes conform to the controls specified in the window options panel (PlotCtrls> Window Controls> Window Options). In many instances, the legend controls specified with the /PLOPTS command will take precedence and override /UDOC specifications. For instance:

/PLOPTS,LEG1,OFF will disable the TYPE, TYP2, INUM, and MISC classes, regardless of the /UDOC settings.

/PLOPTS,LEG2,OFF will disable the VIEW class, regardless of the /UDOC settings.

/PLOPTS,LEG3,OFF will disable the PSTA class, regardless of the /UDOC settings.

All items in a class are listed with the same X coordinate (except for contours). The contents of the text classes are dumped onto the display window from top to bottom, in order of class importance.

The font specification for text items that are included in the user- specified legends are controlled with the /DEVICE command (PlotCtrls> Font Controls> Anno/Graph Font).

The floating point values for the data presented in the legend(s) are controlled by the /GFORMAT command.