
Mapdl.pras(quantity='', loadstep='', substep='', **kwargs)#

Calculates a specified acoustic quantity on the selected exterior

APDL Command: PRAS surface or the frequency-band sound pressure level (SPL).


The acoustic quantity to calculate:

SIMP - Specific acoustic impedance on the selected surface.

AIMP - Acoustic impedance on the selected surface.

MIMP - Mechanical impedance on the selected surface.

PRES - Average pressure on the selected surface.

FORC - Force on the selected surface.

POWE - Acoustic power on the selected surface.

BSPL - Frequency-band sound pressure level.

BSPA - A-weighted frequency-band sound pressure level.


Specified load step. Default = 1.


Specified substep. Default = All substeps at the specified load step. Not valid for Quantity = BSPL or BSPA.


The PRAS command calculates a specified acoustic quantity on the selected exterior surface in postprocessing. The calculation is based on the pressure and velocity solution or the frequency-band sound pressure level (SPL).

The total pressure and velocity are used if the selected surface is the excitation source surface. To calculate the incoming and outgoing acoustic power, and other sound power parameters, on the excitation source surface, issue the SF,,PORT and SPOWER commands.

The sound pressure level of the octave bands and general frequency band (defined via the HARFRQ command) is calculated at the selected nodes in the model.