
Mapdl.pvect(oper='', labxr='', labyr='', labzr='', **kwargs)#

Interpolates a set of items onto a path.



Valid operations for geometry operations along a path are:

NORM - Defines a unit normal vector at each interpolation point in the direction of

the cross product of the tangent to the path and the active Z axis. Resulting vector components are in the active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).

TANG - Defines a unit vector tangent to the path at each interpolation point. Vector

components are in the active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).

RADI - Defines the position vector of each interpolation point of the path from the

center of the active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).


Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to X-component of the resulting vector.


Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to Y-component of the resulting vector.


Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to Z-component of the resulting vector.


Defines and interpolates a set of labeled path items along predefined path [PATH] and performs various geometric operations on these path items. A path item must be defined before it can be used with other path operations. Additional path items may be defined with the PDEF, PCALC, PDOT, and PCROSS commands. Path items may be listed or displayed with the PLPATH, PLPAGM and PRPATH commands. Path geometry items (XG, YG, ZG, S) are automatically interpolated (in the active CSYS) if not done so previously with the PDEF command.