
Mapdl.cfact(rfacta='', ifacta='', rfactb='', ifactb='', rfactc='', ifactc='', **kwargs)#

Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations.



Real portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTA.


Imaginary portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTA.


Real portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTB.


Imaginary portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTB.


Real portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTC.


Imaginary portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTC.


Defines complex scale factors to be used with the operations [ADD, PROD, etc.]. If this command is supplied, these complex factors override any real factors (FACTA, FACTB, FACTC) supplied on the operation commands. Factors are typically involved in scaling a specified variable, such as in the term FACTA x IA of the ADD command to scale variable IA before the ADD operation.

When the CFACT command is active, defaults are as follows: 1) if the complex factor is not specified, but the variable upon which it acts (such as IA) is specified, the factor defaults to 1.0+i0.0; 2) if the variable upon which the factor operates is not specified, but the factor is specified, the variable defaults to 1.0 so that the term in the operation becomes the complex factor itself; 3) if neither the factor nor the variable number is supplied, the term is omitted from the operation. Once the operation (such as the ADD command) has been processed, the CFACT command becomes inactive and must be specified again if it is to be used.