
Mapdl.cdread(option='', fname='', ext='', fnamei='', exti='', **kwargs)#

Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database.



Selects which data to read:


Read all geometry, material property, load, and component data (default). Solid model geometry and loads will be read from the file Fnamei.Exti. All other data will be read from the file Fname.Ext.


Read all database information contained in file Fname.Ext. This file should contain all information mentioned above except the solid model loads. If reading a .CDB file written with the GEOM option of the CDWRITE command, element types [ET] compatible with the connectivity of the elements on the file must be defined prior to reading.


Read the solid model geometry and solid model loads from the file Fnamei.Exti. This file could have been written by the CDWRITE or IGESOUT command.


Read the combined solid model and database information from the file Fname.Ext.


File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name.


Filename extension (eight-character maximum). If there is an extension in fname, this option is ignored.


Name of the IGES file and its directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory). If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use all 248 characters for the file name.


Filename extension (eight-character maximum).


This command causes coded files of solid model (in IGES format) and database (in command format) information to be read. These files are normally written by the CDWRITE or IGESOUT command. Note that the active coordinate system in these files has been reset to Cartesian (CSYS,0).

If a set of data exists prior to the CDREAD operation, that data set is offset upward to allow the new data to fit without overlap. The NOOFFSET command allows this offset to be ignored on a set-by-set basis, causing the existing data set to be overwritten with the new data set.

When you write the geometry data using the CDWRITE,GEOM option, you use the CDREAD,DB option to read the geometry information.

Using the CDREAD,COMB option will not write NUMOFF commands to offset entity ID numbers if there is no solid model in the database.

Multiple CDB file imports cannot have elements with real constants in one file and section definitions in another. The section attributes will override the real constant attributes. If you use CDREAD to import multiple CDB files, define all of the elements using only real constants, or using only section definitions. Combining real constants and section definitions is not recommended.

This command is valid in any processor.