
Mapdl.bfa(area='', lab='', val1='', val2='', val3='', val4='', **kwargs)#

Defines a body force load on an area.

APDL Command: BFA


Area to which body load applies. If ALL, apply to all selected areas [ASEL]. A component name may also be substituted for Area.


Valid body load label. Load labels are listed under “Body Loads” in the input table for each element type in the Element Reference.

val1, val2, val3

Value associated with the Lab item or a table name for specifying tabular boundary conditions. Use only VAL1 for TEMP, FLUE, HGEN, CHRGD. For Lab = JS in magnetics, use VAL1, VAL2, and VAL3 for the X, Y, and Z components. For acoustics, if Lab = JS, use VAL1 for mass source in a harmonic analysis or mass source rate in a transient analysis, and ignore VAL2 and VAL3. For Lab = VLTG, VAL1 is the voltage drop and VAL2 is the phase angle. If Lab = IMPD, VAL1 is the resistance and VAL2 is the reactance in ohms/square. When specifying a table name, you must enclose the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., BFA,Area,Lab,%tabname%. Use the *DIM command to define a table.


If Lab = JS, VAL4 is the phase angle in degrees.


Defines a body force load (such as temperature in a structural analysis, heat generation rate in a thermal analysis, etc.) on an area. Body loads may be transferred from areas to area elements (or to nodes if area elements do not exist) with the BFTRAN or SBCTRAN commands. Body loads default to the value specified on the BFUNIF command, if it was previously specified.

You can specify a table name only when using temperature (TEMP) and heat generation rate (HGEN) body load labels.

Body loads specified by the BFA command can conflict with other specified body loads. See Resolution of Conflicting Body Load Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.

Graphical picking is available only via the listed menu paths.

This command is also valid in PREP7.