High performance computing (HPC)#

This page provides an overview on how to use PyMAPDL in HPC clusters. While it only considers the SLURM scheduler, many of the assumptions for this scheduler might apply to other schedulers, such as PBS, SGE, or LSF.

SLURM HPC cluster#


High performance computing (HPC) clusters are powerful systems designed to handle computationally intensive tasks efficiently. SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is one of the most widely used job schedulers in HPC environments. This page provides an overview of job submission using PyMAPDL and SLURM on HPC clusters.

What is SLURM?#

SLURM is an open source workload manager and job scheduler designed for Linux clusters of all sizes. It efficiently allocates resources (compute nodes, CPU cores, memory, and GPUs) to jobs submitted by users.

For more information on SLURM, see the SLURM documentation.

Basic terms#

Descriptions follow of basic terms.

  • Nodes: Individual computing servers within the cluster.

  • Compute node: A type of node used only for running processes. It is not accessible from outside the cluster.

  • Login node: A type of node used only for login and job submission. No computation should be performed on it. It is sometimes referred to as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

  • Partition: A logical grouping of nodes with similar characteristics (for example, CPU architecture and memory size).

  • Job: A task submitted to SLURM for execution.

  • Queue: A waiting area where jobs are held until resources become available.

  • Scheduler: The component responsible for deciding which job gets executed and when and where it gets executed.

Regular job submission workflow#

Log into the cluster#

You need access credentials and permissions to log in and submit jobs on the HPC cluster. Depending on the login node configuration, you can log in using Virtual Network Computing (VNC) applications or a terminal.

For example, you can log in to a login node using the terminal:

user@machine:~$ ssh username@login-node-hostname

Writing a SLURM batch script#

A SLURM batch script is a shell script that specifies job parameters and commands to execute. Here’s a basic example:


#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00

# Commands to run
echo "Hello, SLURM!"
srun my_executable

This script is run using srun and sbatch. Notice how comments in the file prefixed with #SBATCH describe the job configuration. For more information on available srun and sbatch arguments, see Slurm Workload Manager - srun and Slurm Workload Manager - sbatch.

Submitting a job#

To submit a job, use the srun command followed by the name of the batch script:

user@machine:~$ srun my_script.sh

If you prefer to submit a batch job, you can use the sbatch command:

user@machine:~$ sbatch my_script.sh

You can specify each job setting using the command line. For example:

user@machine:~$ srun --nodes=2 my_script.sh


Command line arguments versus in-file arguments: Command line arguments do NOT overwrite the equivalent arguments written in the bash file. Hence, you must ensure that the argument that you want to pass using the command line is not already present in the bash file.

Submit a PyMAPDL job#

Using PyMAPDL in an HPC environment managed by SLURM scheduler has certain requirements:

  • An Ansys installation must be accessible from all the compute nodes. This normally implies that the ANSYS installation directory is in a shared drive or directory. Your HPC cluster administrator should provide you with the path to the ANSYS directory.

  • A compatible Python installation must be accessible from all the compute nodes. For compatible Python versions, see Install PyMAPDL.

Additionally, you must perform a few key steps to ensure efficient job execution and resource utilization. Subsequent topics describe these steps.

Check the Python installation#

The PyMAPDL Python package (ansys-mapdl-core) must be installed in a virtual environment that is accessible from the compute nodes.

To see where your Python distribution is installed, use this code:

user@machine:~$ which python3

To print the version of Python you have available, use this code:

user@machine:~$ python3 --version
Python 3.9.16

You should be aware that your machine might have installed other Python versions. To find out if those installations are already in the PATH environment variable, you can press the Tab key to use autocomplete:

user@machine:~$ which python3[TAB]
python3             python3-intel64     python3.10-config   python3.11          python3.12          python3.8           python3.8-intel64   python3.9-config
python3-config      python3.10          python3.10-intel64  python3.11-config   python3.12-config   python3.8-config    python3.9
$ which python3.10

You should use a Python version that is compatible with PyMAPDL. For more information, see:ref:ref_pymapdl_installation.

The which command returns the path where the Python executable is installed. You can use that executable to create your own Python virtual environment in a directory that is accessible from all the compute nodes. For most HPC clusters, the /home/$user directory is generally available to all nodes. You can then create the virtual environment in the /home/user/.venv directory:

user@machine:~$ python3 -m venv /home/user/.venv

After activating the virtual environment, you can install PyMAPDL.

Install PyMAPDL#

To install PyMAPDL on the activated virtual environment, run the following commands:

user@machine:~$ source /home/user/.venv/bin/activate
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pip install ansys-mapdl-core
Collecting ansys-mapdl-core
Downloading ansys_mapdl_core-0.68.1-py3-none-any.whl (26.9 MB)
    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 26.9/26.9 MB 37.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting pexpect>=4.8.0
Using cached pexpect-4.9.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (63 kB)
Collecting click>=8.1.3

To test if this virtual environment is accessible from the compute nodes, run this test.sh bash script:

#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00

# Commands to run
echo "Testing Python!"
source /home/user/.venv/bin/activate
python -c "from ansys.mapdl import core;print(f'PyMAPDL version {core.__version__} was successfully imported.')"

then you can run that script using:

user@machine:~$ srun test.sh

This command might take a minute or two to complete, depending on the amount of free resources available in the cluster. On the console, you should see this output:

Testing Python!
PyMAPDL version 0.68.1 was successfully imported.

If you see an error in the output, see Troubleshooting, especially Python virtual environment is not accessible.

Submit a PyMAPDL job#

To submit a PyMAPDL job, you must create two files:

  • Python script with the PyMAPDL code

  • Bash script that activates the virtual environment and calls the Python script

Python script: pymapdl_script.py

from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl

# Number of processors must be lower than the
# number of CPUs allocated for the job.
mapdl = launch_mapdl(nproc=10)

n_proc = mapdl.get_value("ACTIVE", 0, "NUMCPU")
print(f"Number of CPUs: {n_proc}")


Bash script: job.sh

source /home/user/.venv/bin/activate
python pymapdl_script.py

To start the simulation, you use this code:

user@machine:~$ srun job.sh

The bash script allows you to customize the environment before running the Python script. This bash script performs such tasks as creating environment variables, moving to different directories, and printing to ensure your configuration is correct. However, this bash script is not mandatory. You can avoid having the job.sh bash script if the virtual environment is activated and you pass all the environment variables to the job:

user@machine:~$ source /home/user/.venv/bin/activate
(.venv) user@machine:~$ srun python pymapdl_script.py --export=ALL

The --export=ALL argument might not be needed, depending on the cluster configuration. Furthermore, you can omit the Python call in the preceding command if you include the Python shebang (#!/usr/bin/python3) in the first line of the pymapdl_script.py script.

user@machine:~$ source /home/user/.venv/bin/activate
(.venv) user@machine:~$ srun pymapdl_script.py --export=ALL

If you prefer to run the job in the background, you can use the sbatch command instead of the srun command. However, in this case, the Bash file is needed:

user@machine:~$ sbatch job.sh
Submitted batch job 1

Here is the expected output of the job:

Number of CPUs: 10.0


For an example that uses a machine learning genetic algorithm in an HPC system managed by SLURM scheduler, see Genetic algorithms and PyMAPDL.

Monitoring jobs#

View the job queue#

The squeue command displays information about jobs that are currently queued or running on the system.

Basic usage:


To see jobs from a specific user:

squeue -u username

To filter jobs by partition:

squeue -p partition_name

Common options:

  • -l or --long: Displays detailed information about each job.

  • --start: Predicts and shows the start times for pending jobs.

Control the jobs and configuration#

The scontrol command provides a way to view and modify the SLURM configuration and state. It’s a versatile tool for managing jobs, nodes, partitions, and more.

Show information about a job:

scontrol show job <jobID>

Show information about a node:

scontrol show node nodename

Hold and release jobs:

  • To hold a job (stop it from starting): scontrol hold <jobID>

  • To release a job on hold: scontrol release <jobID>

Cancel jobs#

The scancel command cancels a running or pending job.

Cancel a specific job:

scancel <jobID>

Cancel all jobs of a specific user:

scancel -u username

Cancel jobs by partition:

scancel -p partition_name

Common options:

  • --name=jobname: Cancels all jobs with a specific name.

  • --state=pending: Cancels all jobs in a specific state, such as all pending jobs as shown.

Report accounting Information#

The sacct account reports job or job step accounting information about active or completed jobs.

Basic usage:


To see information about jobs from a specific user:

sacct -u username

To show information about a specific job or job range:

sacct -j <jobID>
sacct -j <jobID_1>,<jobID_2>

Common options:

  • --format: Specifies which fields to display. For example, --format=JobID,JobName,State.

  • -S and -E: Sets the start and end times for the report. For example, -S 2023-01-01 -E 2023-01-31.

For more information, see the SLURM documentation or use the man command (for example, man squeue) to explore all available options and their usage.

Best practices#

  • Optimize resource usage to minimize job wait times and maximize cluster efficiency.

  • Regularly monitor job queues and system resources to identify potential bottlenecks.

  • Follow naming conventions for batch scripts and job names to maintain organization.

  • Keep batch scripts and job submissions concise and well-documented for reproducibility and troubleshooting.


Debugging jobs#

  • Use --output and --error directives in batch scripts to capture standard output and error messages.

  • Check SLURM logs for error messages and debugging information.

Python virtual environment is not accessible#

If there is an error while testing the Python installation, it might mean that the Python environment is not accessible to the compute nodes. For example, in the following output, PyMAPDL could not be found, meaning that the script is not using the virtual environment (/home/user/.venv):

user@machine:~$ srun test.sh
Testing Python!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named ansys.mapdl

This could be for a number of reasons. One of them is that the system Python distribution used to create the virtual environment is not accessible from the compute nodes due to one of these reasons:

  • The virtual environment has been created in a directory that is not accessible from the nodes.

  • The virtual environment has been created from a Python executable that is not available to the compute nodes. Hence, the virtual environment is not activated. For example, you might be creating the virtual environment using Python 3.10, but only Python 3.8 is available from the compute nodes.

You can test which Python executable the cluster is using by starting an interactive session in a compute node with this code:

user@machine:~$ srun --pty /bin/bash
user@compute_node_01:~$ compgen -c | grep python # List all commands starting with python

Many HPC infrastructures use environment managers to load and unload software packages using modules and environment variables. Hence, you might want to make sure that the correct module is loaded in your script. For information on two of the most common environment managers, see the Modules documentation and Lmod documentation. Check your cluster documentation to know which environment manager is being using and how to load Python with it. If you find any issue, you should contact your cluster administrator.

If there is not a suitable Python version accessible from the compute nodes, you might have to request your HPC cluster administrator to have a suitable Python version installed on all compute nodes. If this is not an option, see Using the Ansys-provided Python installation.

Using the Ansys-provided Python installation#

For development purposes only

In certain HPC environments the possibility of installing a different Python version is limited for security reasons. In such cases, the Python distribution available in the Ansys installation can be used. This Python distribution is a customized Python (CPython) version for Ansys products use only. Its use is discouraged except for very advanced users and special use cases.

This Python distribution is in the following directory, where %MAPDL_VERSION% is the three-digit Ansys version:


For example, here is the directory for Ansys 2024 R2:


In Ansys 2024 R1 and later, the unified installer includes CPython 3.10. Earlier versions include CPython 3.7 (/commonfiles/CPython/3_7/linx64/Release/python).

Because the Ansys installation must be available to all the compute nodes to run simulations using them, this Python distribution is normally also available to the compute nodes. Hence, you can use it to create your own virtual environment.

Due to the particularities of this Python distribution, you must follow these steps to create a virtual environment accessible to the compute nodes:

  1. Set the Python path environment variable:

    user@machine:~$ export PY_PATH=/ansys_inc/v241/commonfiles/CPython/3_10/linx64/Release/Python
  2. For only Ansys 2024 R1 and earlier, patch the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables:

    user@machine:~$ PATH=$PY_PATH/bin:$PATH  # Patching path
    user@machine:~$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PY_PATH/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  # Patching LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  3. On the same terminal, create your own virtual environment and activate it:

    user@machine:~$ $PY_PATH -m venv /home/user/.venv
    user@machine:~$ source /home/user/.venv
  1. Install PyMAPDL:

    (.venv) user@machine:~$ python -m pip install ansys-mapdl-core
  2. Use it to launch simulations, using srun:

    (.venv) user@machine:~$ srun pymapdl_script.py

    or sbatch:

    (.venv) user@machine:~$ sbatch job.sh
    Submitted batch job 1

Advanced configuration#

The following topics provide some advanced ideas for you to explore when using PyMAPDL on HPC clusters.

Advanced job management#

Job dependencies#

Specify dependencies between jobs using the --dependency flag. Jobs can depend on completion, failure, or other criteria of previously submitted jobs.

Array jobs#

Submit multiple jobs as an array using the --array flag. Each array element corresponds to a separate job, allowing for parallel execution of similar tasks.

Job arrays with dependencies#

Combine array jobs with dependencies for complex job scheduling requirements. This allows for parallel execution while maintaining dependencies between individual tasks.

Resource allocation and request#

Specify resources#

Use SLURM directives in batch scripts to specify required resources such as number of nodes, CPU cores, memory, and time limit.

Request resources#

Use the --constraint flag to request specific hardware configurations (for example, CPU architecture) or the --gres flag for requesting generic resources like GPUs.

Resource Limits#

Set resource limits for individual jobs using directives such as --cpus-per-task, --mem, and --time.