PyMAPDL command line interface#

For your convenience, PyMAPDL package includes a command line interface which allows you to launch, stop and list local MAPDL instances.

Launch MAPDL instances#

To start MAPDL, just type on your activated virtual environment:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl start
Success: Launched an MAPDL instance (PID=23644) at
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl start
Success: Launched an MAPDL instance (PID=23644) at

If you want to specify an argument, for instance the port, then you need to call launch_mapdl start:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl start --port 50054
Success: Launched an MAPDL instance (PID=18238) at
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl start --port 50054
Success: Launched an MAPDL instance (PID=18238) at

This pymapdl start command aims to replicate the function ansys.mapdl.core.launcher.launch_mapdl(). Hence, you can use some of the arguments which this function allows. For instance, you could specify the working directory:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl start --run_location C:\Users\user\temp\
Success: Launched an MAPDL instance (PID=32612) at
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl start --run_location /home/user/tmp
Success: Launched an MAPDL instance (PID=32612) at

For more information, see ansys.mapdl.core.launcher.launch_mapdl().

Stop MAPDL instances#

You can use the pymapdl stop command to stop MAPDL instances like this:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl stop
Success: Ansys instances running on port 50052 have been stopped.
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl stop
Success: Ansys instances running on port 50052 have been stopped.

By default, the instance running on the port 50052 is stopped.

You can specify the instance running on a different port using –port argument:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl stop --port 50053
Success: Ansys instances running on port 50053 have been stopped.
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl stop --port 50053
Success: Ansys instances running on port 50053 have been stopped.

Or an instance with a given process id (PID):

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl stop --pid 40952
Success: The process with PID 40952 and its children have been stopped.
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl stop --pid 40952
Success: The process with PID 40952 and its children has been stopped.

Alternatively, you can stop all the running instances by using:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl stop --all
Success: Ansys instances have been stopped.
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl stop --all
Success: Ansys instances have been stopped.

List MAPDL instances and processes#

You can also list MAPDL instances and processes. If you want to list MAPDL process, just use the following command:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl list
Name          Is Instance    Status      gRPC port    PID
------------  -------------  --------  -----------  -----
ANSYS.exe     False          running         50052  35360
ANSYS.exe     False          running         50052  37116
ANSYS241.exe  True           running         50052  41644
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl list
Name          Is Instance    Status      gRPC port    PID
------------  -------------  --------  -----------  -----
ANSYS.exe     False          running         50052  35360
ANSYS.exe     False          running         50052  37116
ANSYS241.exe  True           running         50052  41644

If you want, to just list the instances (avoiding listing children MAPDL processes), just type:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl list -i
Name          Status      gRPC port    PID
------------  --------  -----------  -----
ANSYS241.exe  running         50052  41644
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl list -i
Name          Status      gRPC port    PID
------------  --------  -----------  -----
ANSYS241.exe  running         50052  41644

You can also print other fields like the working directory (using –cwd) or the command line (using -c). Additionally, you can also print all the available information by using the argument –long or -l:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl list -l
Name          Is Instance    Status      gRPC port    PID  Command line                                                                                                                      Working directory
------------  -------------  --------  -----------  -----  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------
ANSYS.exe     False          running         50052  35360  C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ANSYS.EXE -j file -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc           C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_ahmfaliakp
ANSYS.exe     False          running         50052  37116  C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ANSYS.EXE -j file -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc           C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_ahmfaliakp
ANSYS241.exe  True           running         50052  41644  C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ansys\bin\winx64\ansys241.exe -j file -np 2 -b -i .__tmp__.inp -o .__tmp__.out -port 50052 -grpc  C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ansys_ahmfaliakp
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl list -l
Name          Is Instance    Status      gRPC port    PID  Command line                                                               Working directory
------------  -------------  --------  -----------  -----  -------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------
ANSYS         False          running         50052  35360  /ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/linx64/ansys -j file -port 50052 -grpc           /home/user/temp/ansys_ahmfaliakp
ANSYS         False          running         50052  37116  /ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/linx64/ansys -j file -port 50052 -grpc           /home/user/temp/ansys_ahmfaliakp
ANSYS241      True           running         50052  41644  /ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/linx64/ansys241 -j file -np 2 -port 50052 -grpc  /home/user/temp/ansys_ahmfaliakp

The converter module has its own command line interface to convert MAPDL files to PyMAPDL. For more information, see Convert APDL code.

Convert APDL code#

After you have activated and installed the package as described in Installation, you can use the converter from your terminal. Here is how you use the pymapdl convert command:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl convert mapdl.dat -o

The ``mapdl.dat`` file is successfully converted to the ```` file.
(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl convert mapdl.dat -o

File mapdl.dat successfully converted to

To obtain help on converter usage, options, and examples, type this command:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> pymapdl convert --help

Usage: pymapdl convert [OPTIONS] FILENAME_IN

PyMAPDL CLI tool for converting MAPDL scripts to PyMAPDL scripts.


(.venv) user@machine:~$ pymapdl convert --help

Usage: pymapdl convert [OPTIONS] FILENAME_IN

PyMAPDL CLI tool for converting MAPDL scripts to PyMAPDL scripts.



The pymapdl convert command uses the convert_script() function. Hence, this command accepts most of this function’s arguments.