
Mapdl.load_table(name, array, var1='', var2='', var3='', csysid='')#

Load a table from Python to into MAPDL.

Uses tread to transfer the table.


An alphanumeric name used to identify this table. Name may be up to 32 characters, beginning with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Examples: "ABC" "A3X" "TOP_END".

arraynumpy.ndarray or list

List as a table or numpy.ndarray array.

var1str, optional

Variable name corresponding to the first dimension (row). Default "Row".

A primary variable (listed below) or can be an independent parameter. If specifying an independent parameter, then you must define an additional table for the independent parameter. The additional table must have the same name as the independent parameter and may be a function of one or more primary variables or another independent parameter. All independent parameters must relate to a primary variable.

  • "TIME": Time

  • "FREQ": Frequency

  • "X": X-coordinate location

  • "Y": Y-coordinate location

  • "Z": Z-coordinate location

  • "TEMP": Temperature

  • "VELOCITY": Velocity

  • "PRESSURE": Pressure

  • "GAP": Geometric gap/penetration

  • "SECTOR": Cyclic sector number

  • "OMEGS": Amplitude of the rotational velocity vector

  • "ECCENT": Eccentricity

  • "THETA": Phase shift

  • "ELEM": Element number

  • "NODE": Node number

  • "CONC": Concentration

var2str, optional

Variable name corresponding to the first dimension (column). See var1. Default column.

var3str, optional

Variable name corresponding to the first dimension (plane). See var1. Default Plane.

csysidstr, optional

An integer corresponding to the coordinate system ID number. APDL Default = 0 (global Cartesian)


Transfer a table to MAPDL. The first column is time values and must be ascending in order.

>>> my_conv = np.array([[0, 0.001],
                        [120, 0.001],
                        [130, 0.005],
                        [700, 0.005],
                        [710, 0.002],
                        [1000, 0.002]])
>>> mapdl.load_table('MY_TABLE', my_conv, 'TIME')
>>> mapdl.parameters['MY_TABLE']