-, ikey)#
Return information about a node.
- Parameters:
- inod
Node number. Should be 0 for key=11 for the following:
- ikey
Key of the information needed about the node. One of the following:
DB_SELECTED : return select status
0 - node is undefined.
-1 - node is unselected.
1 - node is selected.
DB_NUMDEFINED - return number of defined nodes
DB_NUMSELECTED - return number of selected nodes
DB_MAXDEFINED - return highest node number defined
DB_MAXRECLENG - return maximum record length (dp words)
2 - length (dp words)
3 -
4 - pointer to first data word
11 - return void percent (integer)
17 - pointer to start of index
117 - return the maximum number of DP contact data stored for any node
-1 -
-2 - superelement flag
-3 - master dof bit pattern
-4 - active dof bit pattern
-5 - solid model attachment
-6 - pack nodal line parametric value
-7 - constraint bit pattern
-8 - force bit pattern
-9 - body force bit pattern
-10 - internal node flag
-11 - orientation node flag =1 is =0 isnot
-11 - contact node flag <0
-12 - constraint bit pattern (for DSYM)
-13 - if dof constraint written to file. (for LSDYNA only)
-14 - nodal coordinate system number (set by NROTATE)
-101 - pointer to node data record
-102 - pointer to angle record
-103 -
-104 - pointer to attached couplings
-105 - pointer to attacted constraint equations
-106 - pointer to nodal stresses
-107 - pointer to specified disp’S
-108 - pointer to specified forces
-109 - pointer to x/y/z record
-110 -
-111 -
-112 - pointer to nodal temperatures
-113 - pointer to nodal heat generations
-114 -
-115 - pointer to calculated displacements
-116 -
- inod
- Returns:
Information from the query based on
Query if a node is selected.
>>> from ansys.mapdl.core.database import DBDef >>> nodes = mapdl.db.nodes >>>, DBDef.DB_SELECTED) 1