
class ansys.mapdl.core.logging.Logger(level=10, to_file=False, to_stdout=True, filename='pymapdl.log', catch_all_exceptions=False)#

Logger used for each PyMAPDL session.

This class allows you to add handlers to the logger to output to a file or standard output.

levelint, optional

Logging level to filter the message severity allowed in the logger. The default is logging.DEBUG.

to_filebool, optional

Write log messages to a file. The default is False.

to_stdoutbool, optional

Write log messages into the standard output. The default is True.

filenamestr, optional

Name of the file where log messages are written to. The default is FILE_NAME.


Demonstrate logger usage from an instance mapdl. This is automatically created when creating an Mapdl instance.

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
>>> mapdl = launch_mapdl(loglevel='DEBUG')
>>> mapdl._log.info('This is a useful message')
INFO -  -  <ipython-input-24-80df150fe31f> - <module> - This is LOG debug message.

Import the global pymapdl logger and add a file output handler.

>>> import os
>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import LOG
>>> file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'pymapdl.log')
>>> LOG.log_to_file(file_path)


Logger.add_child_logger(logger_name[, level])

Add a child logger to the main logger.


This just redirect the output of an exception to the logger.

Logger.add_instance_logger(name, mapdl_instance)

Create a logger for a MAPDL instance.

Logger.log_to_file([filename, level])

Add file handler to logger.


Add standard output handler to the logger.


Change the log level of the object and the attached handlers.
