
PostProcessing.plot_element_values(item, comp, option='AVG', show_elem_numbering=False, **kwargs)#

Plot element values.

Displays the solution results as discontinuous element contours.

Equivalent MAPDL command:



Label identifying the item. See the table below in the notes section.

compstr, optional

Component of the item if applicable. See the table below in the notes section.

optionstr, optional

Option for storing element table data. One of the following:

  • "MIN" : Store minimum element nodal value of the specified item component.

  • "MAX" : Store maximum element nodal value of the specified item component.

  • "AVG" : Store averaged element centroid value of the specified item component (default).

show_elem_numberingbool, optional

Plot the element numbers of the elements.

**kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments passed to MapdlPlotter


Camera position from plotter. Can be reused as an input parameter to use the same camera position for future plots. Only returned when return_cpos is True.


If vkt=True (default), this function uses MapdlPlotter You can pass key arguments to MapdlPlotter using kwargs argument. For example, show_axes , background, etc.


Plot the contact status for the selected elements.

>>> mapdl.post_processing.plot_element_values(
...     "CONT", "STAT", scalar_bar_args={"title": "Contact status"}
... )