
Mapdl.etable(lab='', item='', comp='', option='', **kwargs)#

Fills a table of element values for further processing.


The ETABLE command defines a table of values per element (the element table) for use in further processing. The element table is organized similar to spreadsheet, with rows representing all selected elements and columns consisting of result items which have been moved into the table (Item,Comp) via ETABLE. Each column of data is identified by a user-defined label (Lab) for listings and displays.

After entering the data into the element table, you are not limited to merely listing or displaying your data (PLESOL, PRESOL, etc.). You may also perform many types of operations on your data, such as adding or multiplying columns (SADD, SMULT), defining allowable stresses for safety calculations (SALLOW), or multiplying one column by another (SMULT). See Getting Started in the Basic Analysis Guide for more information.

Various results data can be stored in the element table. For example, many items for an element are inherently single-valued (one value per element). The single-valued items include: SERR, SDSG, TERR, TDSG, SENE, SEDN, TENE, KENE, AENE, JHEAT, JS, VOLU, and CENT. All other items are multivalued (varying over the element, such that there is a different value at each node). Because only one value is stored in the element table per element, an average value (based on the number of contributing nodes) is calculated for multivalued items. Exceptions to this averaging procedure are FMAG and all element force items, which represent the sum only of the contributing nodal values.

Two methods of data access can be used with the ETABLE command. The method you select depends upon the type of data that you want to store. Some results can be accessed via a generic label (Component Name method), while others require a label and number (Sequence Number method).

The Component Name method is used to access the General element data (that is, element data which is generally available to most element types or groups of element types). All of the single-valued items and some of the more general multivalued items are accessible with the Component Name method. Various element results depend on the calculation method and the selected results location (AVPRIN, RSYS, LAYER, SHELL, and ESEL).

Although nodal data is readily available for listings and displays (PRNSOL, PLNSOL) without using the element table, you may also use the Component Name method to enter these results into the element table for further “worksheet” manipulation. (See Getting Started in theBasic Analysis Guide for more information.) A listing of the General Item and Comp labels for the Component Name method is shown below.

The Sequence Number method allows you to view results for data that is not averaged (such as pressures at nodes, temperatures at integration points, etc.), or data that is not easily described in a generic fashion (such as all derived data for structural line elements and contact elements, all derived data for thermal line elements, layer data for layered elements, etc.). A table illustrating the Items (such as LS, LEPEL, LEPTH, SMISC, NMISC, SURF, etc.) and corresponding sequence numbers for each element is shown in the Output Data section of each element description found in the Element Reference.

Some element table data are reported in the results coordinate system. These include all component results (for example, UX, UY, etc.; SX, SY, etc.). The solution writes component results in the database and on the results file in the solution coordinate system. When you issue the ETABLE command, these results are then transformed into the results coordinate system (RSYS) before being stored in the element table. The default results coordinate system is global Cartesian (RSYS,0). All other data are retrieved from the database and stored in the element table with no coordinate transformation.

Use the PRETAB, PLETAB, or ETABLE,STAT commands to display the stored table values. Issue ETABLE,ERAS to erase the entire table. Issue ETABLE,Lab,ERAS to erase a Lab column.

The element table data option (Option) is not available for all output items.


Any unique user defined label for use in subsequent commands and output headings (maximum of eight characters and not a General predefined Item label). Defaults to an eight character label formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels. If the same as a previous user label, this result item will be included under the same label. Up to 200 different labels may be defined. The following labels are predefined and are not available for user-defined labels: 'REFL''`, ``'STAT', and 'ERAS'. lab='REFL' refills all tables previously defined with the etable() commands (not the CALC module commands) according to the latest ETABLE specifications and is convenient for refilling tables after the load step (SET) has been changed. Remaining fields will be ignored if Lab='REFL'. lab='STAT' displays stored table values. lab='ERAS' erases the entire table.


Label identifying the item. General item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component label. Character parameters may be used. item='eras' erases a Lab column.


Component of the item (if required). General component labels are shown in the table below. Character parameters may be used.


Option for storing element table data:

  • 'MIN' - Store minimum element nodal value of the specified item component.

  • 'MAX' - Store maximum element nodal value of the specified item component.

  • 'AVG' - Store averaged element centroid value of the specified item component (default).

Return type:



Print the volume of individual elements.

>>> mapdl.clear()
>>> output = mapdl.input(examples.vmfiles['vm6'])
>>> mapdl.post1()
>>> label = 'MYVOLU'
>>> mapdl.etable(label, 'VOLU')
>>> print(mapdl.pretab(label))
    ELEM     XDISP
       1  0.59135E-001
       2  0.59135E-001
       3  0.59135E-001