
Mapdl.magopt(value='', **kwargs)#

Specifies options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis.



Option key:

0 - Calculate a complete H field solution in the entire domain using a single

(reduced) potential.

Caution:When used in problems with both current sources and iron regions, errors may result due to numerical cancellation. - 1

Calculate and store a preliminary H field in “iron” regions (μr ≠ 1). Requires flux-parallel boundary conditions to be specified on exterior iron boundaries. Used in conjunction with subsequent solutions with VALUE = 2 followed by VALUE = 3. Applicable to multiply-connected iron domain problems. - 2

Calculate and store a preliminary H field in “air” regions (μr = 1). The air-iron interface is appropriately treated internally by the program. Used in conjunction with a subsequent solution with VALUE = 3. Applicable to singly-connected iron domain problems (with subsequent solution with VALUE = 3) or to multiply-connected iron domain problems (when preceded by a solution with VALUE = 1 and followed by a solution with VALUE = 3). - 3


Specifies the solution sequence options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis using a scalar potential (MAG). The solution sequence is determined by the nature of the problem.

You cannot use constraint equations with Value = 1.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Distributed ANSYS Restriction: The MAGOPT,3 option is not supported in Distributed ANSYS when the following contact elements are present in the model: CONTA173, CONTA174, CONTA175, CONTA176, or CONTA177.