Extended examples#

These extended examples explain concepts such as interoperability with other programs, libraries, and features in development.



Cart Pole Simulation

Demonstrates a reinforcement machine learning example using MAPDL through PyMAPDL.

Gmsh example

Demonstrates the interoperability between PyMAPDL and the Gmsh meshing library.


Demonstrates the interoperability between user-programmable functions in MAPDL and Python.

Harmonic analysis using the frequency-sweep Krylov method

Demonstrates the usage of the Krylov method for solving a customized harmonic analysis.

Use Dash to build a PyMAPDL web app

Demonstrates the use of PyMAPDL with Dash.

Create your own Python command-line app

Demonstrates how to create your own Python app with a command-line interface.

Create a GUI app in Python with PySide6

Demonstrates how to create your own GUI app with Python and PySide6.

Genetic algorithms and PyMAPDL

Demonstrates how to use PyMAPDL in a high-performance computing system managed by SLURM.

Stochastic finite element method with PyMAPDL

Demonstrates using PyMAPDL for stochastic FEA using Monte Carlo simulation.