
Mapdl.sfgrad(lab='', slkcn='', sldir='', slzer='', slope='', **kwargs)#

Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads.



Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under “Surface Loads” in the input table for each element type in the Element Reference.


Reference number of slope coordinate system (used with Sldir and SLZER to determine COORD). Defaults to 0 (the global Cartesian coordinate system).


Slope direction in coordinate system SLKCN:

X - Slope is along X direction (default). Interpreted as R direction for non-

Cartesian coordinate systems.

Y - Slope is along Y direction. Interpreted as θ direction for non-Cartesian

coordinate systems.

Z - Slope is along Z direction. Interpreted as Φ direction for spherical or

toroidal coordinate systems.


Coordinate location (degrees for angular input) where slope contribution is zero (CVALUE = VALUE). Allows the slope contribution to be shifted along the slope direction. For angular input, SLZER should be between ±180° if the singularity [CSCIR] is at 180° and should be between 0° and 360° if the singularity is at 0°.


Slope value (load per unit length or per degree).


Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads. All surface loads issued with the SF, SFE, SFL, or SFA commands while this specification is active will have this gradient applied (for complex pressures, only the real component will be affected; for convections, only the bulk temperature will be affected). The load value, CVALUE, calculated at each node is:


where VALUE is the load value specified on the subsequent SF, SFE, SFL, or SFA commands and COORD is the coordinate value (in the Sldir direction of coordinate system SLKCN) of the node. Only one SFGRAD specification may be active at a time (repeated use of this command replaces the previous specification with the new specification). Issue SFGRAD (with blank fields) to remove the specification. Issue SFGRAD,STAT to show the current command status. The SFGRAD specification (if active) is removed when the LSREAD (if any) command is issued.

SFGRAD does not work for tabular boundary conditions.

This command is also valid in PREP7.