
Here are a series of examples using MAPDL with the ansys-mapdl-core library.

Full examples using PyMAPDL#

These examples demonstrate full examples using the PyMAPDL module.

MAPDL 2D Plane Stress Concentration Analysis

MAPDL 2D Plane Stress Concentration Analysis

2D Pressure Vessel

2D Pressure Vessel

3D Stress Concentration Analysis for a Notched Plate

3D Stress Concentration Analysis for a Notched Plate

Basic Thermal Analysis with pyMAPDL

Basic Thermal Analysis with pyMAPDL

3D Acoustic Analysis

3D Acoustic Analysis

Basic DPF-Core Usage with PyMAPDL

Basic DPF-Core Usage with PyMAPDL

Static simulation of double cantilever beam test via cohesive elements

Static simulation of double cantilever beam test via cohesive elements

Contact Element Example

Contact Element Example

Cyclic Analysis

Cyclic Analysis

Static Cyclic Analysis

Static Cyclic Analysis

Thermal-structural analysis of exhaust manifold

Thermal-structural analysis of exhaust manifold

Plotting and Mesh Access

Plotting and Mesh Access

Structural Analysis of a Lathe Cutter

Structural Analysis of a Lathe Cutter

MAPDL 3D Beam Example

MAPDL 3D Beam Example

MAPDL 2D Beam Example

MAPDL 2D Beam Example

Path Operations within pyMAPDL and MAPDL

Path Operations within pyMAPDL and MAPDL

Pressure Vessel

Pressure Vessel

PyVista Mesh Integration

PyVista Mesh Integration

CFX pressure data mapping to structural blade

CFX pressure data mapping to structural blade

Example Thermal Transient Analysis

Example Thermal Transient Analysis

PyMAPDL math examples#

These examples demonstrate using APDL Math from the PyMAPDL library.

PyMAPDL APDLMath Basic Operations

PyMAPDL APDLMath Basic Operations

Using APDLMath to solve Eigenproblems

Using APDLMath to solve Eigenproblems

Binary MAPDL File Explorer

Binary MAPDL File Explorer

Compute Eigenvalues using MAPDL or SciPy

Compute Eigenvalues using MAPDL or SciPy

APDLMath Sparse Matrices and SciPy Sparse Matrices

APDLMath Sparse Matrices and SciPy Sparse Matrices

Use APDLMath to Solve a Dense Matrix Linear System

Use APDLMath to Solve a Dense Matrix Linear System

Performing Sparse Factorization and Solve Operations

Performing Sparse Factorization and Solve Operations

Manipulate APDLMath vectors or dense matrices as NumPy Arrays

Manipulate APDLMath vectors or dense matrices as NumPy Arrays

Geometry examples#

These examples demonstrate using PyMAPDL to create basic geometry.











Miscellaneous examples#

These examples demonstrate miscellaneous tips and tricks for using PyMAPDL.

Adding a New Gallery Example

Adding a New Gallery Example

MAPDL Element Size Transition Example

MAPDL Element Size Transition Example

Using Inline Functions (Query)

Using Inline Functions (Query)

Generating and Extracting Rotational Displacement

Generating and Extracting Rotational Displacement

Academic finite element examples#

These examples demonstrate finite element method as applicable to Python and MAPDL while emphasising Python libraries such as matplotlib

Build a Finite Element Model

Build a Finite Element Model

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery

PyMAPDL examples repository#

The Verification Manual examples and the Technology Showcase examples are hosted in the PyMAPDL Examples repository.

The documentation to these examples can be found in the PyMAPDL Examples documentation.

Verification manual examples#

The Verification Manual examples demonstrate a range of Mechanical APDL elements and capabilities in straightforward problems which have “classical” or readily obtainable theoretical solutions using PyMAPDL.

These problems may then serve as the basis for additional validation and qualification of Mechanical APDL capabilities for specific applications that may be of interest.

The documentation to these examples can be found in the Verification Manual section.

Technology showcase examples#

The PyMAPDL technology showcase examples are more complex test cases than the ones preceding. They demonstrate how to use PyMAPDL to effectively and accurately solve interdisciplinary problems from a variety of industries and engineering fields.

The examples initially come from the APDL Technology Showcase Manual and are modeled with MAPDL files. Some of them have been reproduced in Python files using PyMAPDL with the ansys-mapdl-core library.

The documentation to these examples can be found in the Technology Showcases section.

Extended examples#

These extended examples explain other concepts such as interoperability with other programs, libraries, and features in development.



Cart-Pole Simulation

Demonstrates a reinforcement machine learning example using MAPDL through PyMAPDL.

Gmsh example

Demonstrates the interoperability between PyMAPDL and the gmsh meshing library.


Demonstrates the interoperability between user-programmable functions in MAPDL and Python.

Harmonic analysis using the frequency-sweep Krylov method

Demonstrates the usage of the Krylov method for solving a customized harmonic analysis.

Use Dash to build a PyMAPDL web app

Demonstrates the use of PyMAPDL with Dash.

Create your own Python command-line app

Create your own Python app with a command-line interface.

Download example files#

Each example should contain all the necessary resources to run the example. However in some cases, external files are needed. A link to those files is available at each example page. These links refers to the following GitHub repository where you can find all of them:

GitHub Example Data Repository

If you find a missing or broken link, open an issue in GitHub (PyMAPDL Issues) or send an email to PyAnsys Core team.