
Mapdl.aplot(na1='', na2='', ninc='', degen='', scale='', vtk=None, quality=4, show_area_numbering=False, show_line_numbering=False, color_areas=False, show_lines=False, **kwargs)#

Display the selected areas.

Displays the selected areas from na1 to na2 in steps of ninc.



PyMAPDL plotting commands with vtk=True ignore any values set with the PNUM command.

na1int, optional

Minimum area to display.

na2int, optional

Maximum area to display.

nincint, optional

Increment between minimum and maximum area.

degen, str, optional

Degeneracy marker. This option is ignored when vtk=True.

scalefloat, optional

Scale factor for the size of the degeneracy-marker star. The scale is the size in window space (-1 to 1 in both directions) (defaults to 0.075). This option is ignored when vtk=True.

vtkbool, optional

Plot the currently selected areas using pyvista. As this creates a temporary surface mesh, this may have a long execution time for large meshes.

qualityint, optional

Quality of the mesh to display. Varies between 1 (worst) to 10 (best) when vtk=True.

show_area_numberingbool, optional

Display area numbers when vtk=True.

show_line_numberingbool, optional

Display line numbers when vtk=True.

color_areasUnion[bool, str, np.array], optional

Only used when vtk=True. If color_areas is a bool, randomly color areas when True. If color_areas is a string, it must be a valid color string which will be applied to all areas. If color_areas is an array or list made of color names (str) or the RGBa numbers ([R, G, B, transparency]), it colors each area with the colors, specified in that array or list.

show_linesbool, optional

Plot lines and areas. Change the thickness of the lines with line_width=


See ansys.mapdl.core.plotting.visualizer.MapdlPlotter for more keyword arguments applicable when visualizing with vtk=True.


Plot areas between 1 and 4 in increments of 2.

>>> mapdl.block(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
>>> mapdl.aplot(1, 4, 2)

Plot all areas and randomly color the areas. Label center of areas by their number.

>>> mapdl.aplot(show_area_numbering=True, color_areas=True)

Return the plotting instance and modify it.

>>> mapdl.aplot()
>>> pl = mapdl.aplot(return_plotter=True)
>>> pl.show_bounds()
>>> pl.set_background('black')
>>> pl.add_text('my text')
>>> pl.show()