
Mapdl.nplot(nnum='', vtk=None, **kwargs)#


Displays nodes.


PyMAPDL plotting commands with vtk=True ignore any values set with the PNUM command.

nnumbool, int, optional

Node number key:

  • False : No node numbers on display (default).

  • True : Include node numbers on display.


This parameter is only valid when vtk==True

vtkbool, optional

Plot the currently selected nodes using pyvista. Defaults to current use_vtk setting as set on the initialization of MAPDL.

plot_bcbool, optional

Activate the plotting of the boundary conditions. Defaults to False.


This is in alpha state.

plot_bc_legendbool, optional

Shows the boundary conditions legend. Defaults to False

plot_bc_labelsbool, optional

Shows the boundary conditions label per node. Defaults to False.

bc_labelsList[str], Tuple(str), optional

List or tuple of strings with the boundary conditions to plot, i.e. ["UX", "UZ"]. You can obtain the allowed boundary conditions by evaluating ansys.mapdl.core.plotting.BCS. You can use also the following shortcuts:

  • ‘mechanical’ To plot the following mechanical boundary conditions: 'UX', 'UY', 'UZ', 'FX', 'FY', and 'FZ'. Rotational or momentum boundary conditions are not allowed.

  • 'thermal' To plot the following boundary conditions: ‘TEMP’ and ‘HEAT’.

  • 'electrical' To plot the following electrical boundary conditions: 'VOLT', 'CHRGS', and 'AMPS'.

Defaults to all the allowed boundary conditions present in the responses of ansys.mapdl.core.Mapdl.dlist() and ansys.mapdl.core.Mapdl.flist().

bc_targetList[str], Tuple(str), optional

Specify the boundary conditions target to plot, i.e. “Nodes”, “Elements”. You can obtain the allowed boundary conditions target by evaluating ansys.mapdl.core.plotting.ALLOWED_TARGETS. Defaults to only "Nodes".

bc_glyph_sizefloat, optional

Specify the size of the glyph used for the boundary conditions plotting. By default is ratio of the bounding box dimensions.

bc_labels_font_sizefloat, optional

Size of the text on the boundary conditions labels. By default it is 16.


Plot using VTK while showing labels and changing the background.

>>> mapdl.prep7()
>>> mapdl.n(1, 0, 0, 0)
>>> mapdl.n(11, 10, 0, 0)
>>> mapdl.fill(1, 11, 9)
>>> mapdl.nplot(
...     nnum=True,
...     vtk=True,
...     background='w',
...     color='k',
...     show_bounds=True
... )

Plot without using VTK.

>>> mapdl.prep7()
>>> mapdl.n(1, 0, 0, 0)
>>> mapdl.n(11, 10, 0, 0)
>>> mapdl.fill(1, 11, 9)
>>> mapdl.nplot(vtk=False)

Plot nodal boundary conditions.

>>> mapdl.nplot(
...     plot_bc=True,
...     plot_bc_labels=True,
...     bc_labels="mechanical",
... )