Launch PyMAPDL#

PyMAPDL can start MAPDL locally, or it can connect to a session already running locally or on a remote machine.

If you have any problem launching PyMAPDL, see Launching issues.

Launch PyMAPDL with a local MAPDL instance#

You can use the launch_mapdl() function to start MAPDL and automatically connect to it:

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
>>> mapdl = launch_mapdl()
>>> print(mapdl)
Product:             Ansys Mechanical Enterprise
MAPDL Version:       24.1
ansys.mapdl Version: 0.68.0

While this is the easiest and fastest way to get PyMAPDL up and running. you must be able to launch MAPDL locally.

If PyMAPDL cannot find your local installation, see Setting the MAPDL location in PyMAPDL.

For more information on controlling how MAPDL launches locally, see the description of the launch_mapdl() function.

Connect PyMAPDL to a local MAPDL instance#

Connect to a local MAPDL instance requires two steps: launching a local MAPDL session and connect to it.

Launch a local gRPC MAPDL session#

You can start MAPDL from the command line and then connect to it.

To launch MAPDL, use this command:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v241/ansys/bin/winx64/ANSYS241.exe -grpc
(.venv) user@machine:~$ /usr/ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/ansys241 -grpc

When launching MAPDL on Windows, it is assumed that Ansys is installed in the C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v241 directory and, on Linux, it is assumed that Ansys is installed in the /usr/ansys_inc directory.

This starts MAPDL in gRPC mode. MAPDL should display this output:

Start GRPC Server

### START GRPC SERVER      ###

Server Executable   : MapdlGrpc Server
Server listening on :

You can configure the port that MAPDL starts on with the -port argument. For example, you can start the server to listen for connections at port 50005 with this command:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\user\pymapdl> C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v241/ansys/bin/winx64/ANSYS241.exe -port 50005  -grpc
(.venv) user@machine:~$ /usr/ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/ansys241 -port 50005  -grpc

From version v0.68, you can use a command line interface to launch, stop, and list local MAPDL instances. For more information, see PyMAPDL command line interface.

Connect to the local MAPDL instance#

An MAPDL gRPC server can be connected to from the same host by using this code:

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import Mapdl
>>> mapdl = Mapdl()

The preceding code assumes that your MAPDL service is running locally on the default IP address ( and on the default port (50052).

You can also use the launch_mapdl() method to connect to an already launched MAPDL instance by setting the start_instance argument to False:

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
>>> mapdl = launch_mapdl(start_instance=False)

If you are connecting to an MAPDL Docker image, the procedure is the same. Just make sure that you specify the mapped port instead of the internal MAPDL port. For more information, see MAPDL and Docker.

Connect PyMAPDL to a remote MAPDL instance#

If you want to connect to a remote MAPDL instance, you must know the IP address of that instance. For example, if on your local network at IP address there is a computer running MAPDL on the port 50052, you can connect to it with this code:

>>> mapdl = Mapdl("", port=50052)

Alternatively, you can use a hostname:

>>> mapdl = Mapdl("myremotemachine", port=50052)

Note that you must have started an MAPDL instance in gRPC mode on the computer with the referenced IP address and hostname for this to work because PyMAPDL cannot launch remote instances.

Setting the MAPDL location in PyMAPDL#

To run, PyMAPDL must know the location of the MAPDL binary. Most of the time this can be automatically determined, but the location of MAPDL must be provided for non-standard installations. When running for the first time, PyMAPDL requests the location of the MAPDL executable if it cannot automatically find it.

You can test your installation of PyMAPDL and set it up by running the launch_mapdl() function:

from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl

mapdl = launch_mapdl()

Python automatically attempts to detect your MAPDL binary based on environmental variables. You can specify an MAPDL installation using one of two environment variables:

  • AWP_ROOTXXX, where XXX` is the three-digit version. This environment variable contains the path of the Ansys installation with the version matching XXX. For example, AWP_ROOT241=/ansys_inc contains the path to an Ansys 2024 R1 installation.

  • PYMAPDL_MAPDL_EXEC contains the path to the Ansys MAPDL executable file. For example, PYMAPDL_MAPDL_EXEC=/ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/ansys241.

If PyMAPDL is unable to find a copy of MAPDL, you are prompted for the location of the MAPDL executable.

Here is the prompt with an example response for Windows:

Enter location of MAPDL executable: C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ansys241.exe

Here is the prompt with an example response for Linux:

Enter location of MAPDL executable: /usr/ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/ansys241

The settings file is stored locally, which means that you are not prompted to enter the path again. If you must change the default Ansys path (meaning change the default version of MAPDL), run this code:

from ansys.mapdl import core as pymapdl

new_path = "C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v241\\ANSYS\\bin\\winx64\\ansys241.exe"

For more information, see the change_default_ansys_path() method and the find_mapdl() method.

Additionally, it is possible to specify the executable in each PyMAPDL script using the exec_file keyword argument.

from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl

mapdl = launch_mapdl(
    exec_file="C://Program Files//ANSYS Inc//v241//ANSYS//bin//winx64//ansys241.exe"
from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl

mapdl = launch_mapdl(exec_file="/usr/ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/ansys241")

You could also specify a custom executable made from a custom MAPDL compilation by adding the correspondent flag (-custom) to the additional_switches keyword argument:

from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl

custom_exec = "C://Program Files//ANSYS Inc//v241//ANSYS//bin//winx64//ansys241.exe"
add_switch = f" -custom {custom_exec}"
mapdl = launch_mapdl(additional_switches=add_switch)
from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl

custom_exec = "/usr/ansys_inc/v241/ansys/bin/ansys241t"
add_switch = f" -custom {custom_exec}"
mapdl = launch_mapdl(additional_switches=add_switch)