
There are several ways to contribute to PyMAPDL.

Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the Contributing topic in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with it and the Coding style before attempting to contribute to PyMAPDL.

In order to have a nice Release notes section, it is important to follow the branch and commit names conventions as described in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide branch and commit naming sections.

Answer discussions#

Answering discussions is an excellent way to contribute to PyMAPDL, and it does not require any setup, just a GitHub account. It is probably the first step towards becoming a full PyMAPDL developer, since it helps you deepen your understanding of the project. Engaging in discussions often requires a thorough grasp of the project’s goals and challenges. Your contributions can help other users or contributors who may be facing similar issues, making the repository more welcoming and inclusive. By providing answers or solutions, you can directly contribute to the project’s success, maintain its health, and encourage a positive, open source ecosystem.

To discover how you can help, see the PyMAPDL Discussions page.

Post issues#

Posting issues in a repository is a valuable contribution that benefits you, the repository, and PyMAPDL as a whole. It allows you to voice concerns, suggest improvements, or report bugs, which can lead to a more robust and user-friendly project. It also offers an opportunity for you to engage with the project’s community, learn from others, and gain experience in issue tracking and collaboration. For the repository, issues serve as a structured way to track and prioritize work, helping maintainers understand the needs of users and guide the project’s development. It’s an excellent way to contribute because it enhances the project’s quality, fosters transparency, and encourages the collective effort of the community to continuously improve and innovate.

Use the PyMAPDL Issues page to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features. When possible, use these issue templates:

  • 🐞 Bug, problem, or error: Fill a bug report here

  • 📖 Documentation issue: Modifications to the documentation only

  • 🎓 Adding an example: Proposing a new example for the library

  • 💡 New feature: Enhancements to the code

If your issue does not fit into one of these categories, click Open a blank issue.