- Mapdl.ednrot(option='', cid='', cname='', dof1='', dof2='', dof3='', dof4='', dof5='', dof6='', **kwargs)#
Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamics
APDL Command: EDNROT analysis.
- Parameters:
- option
Label identifying the option to be performed:
ADD - Add a rotated nodal coordinate constraint (default).
DELE - Delete specified rotated nodal coordinate constraints.
LIST - List all rotated nodal coordinate constraints.
- cid
Coordinate system ID for which rotated nodal constraints will be added or deleted. The CID must have been previously defined with the EDLCS command. If Option = DELE, use CID = ALL to delete all previously specified nodal constraints.
- cname
Nodal component set to which the rotated coordinate constraint will be applied. Cname must be previously specified using the CM command.
- dof1, dof2, dof3, … , dof6
Degrees of freedom for which the rotated nodal constraint will be applied. Valid degree of freedom labels include UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ. If DOF1 = ALL, rotated nodal constraints will be applied to all degrees of freedom.
Constraints applied with EDNROT are zero displacement constraints.
This command is also valid in SOLUTION.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.