Access MAPDL database#


This feature is still in beta. To report any errors or suggestions, open an issue on GitHub.

In PyMAPDL v0.61.2 and later, you can access elements and nodes data from the MAPDL database using the DB module.


Get the elems and nodes objects.

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
>>> from ansys.mapdl.core.examples import vmfiles
>>> mapdl = launch_mapdl()
>>> mapdl.input(vmfiles["vm271"])
>>> elems = mapdl.db.elems
>>> elems
MAPDL Database Elements
   Number of elements:          3459
   Number of selected elements: 3459
   Maximum element number:      3459

>>> nodes = mapdl.db.nodes
MAPDL Database Nodes
   Number of nodes:          3652
   Number of selected nodes: 3652
   Maximum node number:      3652

Obtain the first element.

>>> elems = mapdl.db.elems
>>> elems.first()

Check if the element is selected.

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core.database import DBDef

Return the element information of element 1.

>>> elems = mapdl.db.elems
>>> elem_info = elems.get(1)
>>> elem_info
ielem: 1
elmdat: 1
elmdat: 1
elmdat: 1
elmdat: 1
elmdat: 0
elmdat: 0
elmdat: 12
elmdat: 0
elmdat: 0
elmdat: 0
nnod: 2
nodes: 1
nodes: 3

Return the nodes belonging to the element.

>>> elem_info.nodes
[1, 3]

Return the element data.

>>> elem_info.elmdat
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0]

Return the selection status and the coordinates of node 22.

>>> nodes = mapdl.db.nodes
>>> sel, coord = nodes.coord(22)
>>> coord
(-0.0014423144202849985, 0.010955465718673852, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)


The coordinates returned by the coord method contain the following: X, Y, Z, THXY, THYZ, and THZX.


To use the DB feature, you must meet these requirements:

  • ansys.api.mapdl package version should be 0.5.1 or later.

  • Ansys MAPDL version should be 2021 R1 or later.


This feature does not work in the Ansys 2023 R1.