Create a pool of MAPDL instances#

PyMAPDL contains the MapdlPool class to simplify creating multiple local instances of the Mapdl class for batch processing. This can be used for the batch processing of a set of input files, convergence analysis, or other batch related processes.

This code creates a pool:

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import MapdlPool
>>> pool = MapdlPool(10)
'MAPDL Pool with 10 active instances'
>>> pool.exit(block=True)

You can supply additional keyword arguments when creating the pool. This code creates several instances with one CPU each running at the current directory within their own isolated directories:

>>> import os
>>> my_path = os.getcmd()
>>> pool = MapdlPool(10, nproc=1, run_location=my_path)
Creating Pool: 100%|########| 10/10 [00:01<00:00,  1.43it/s]

You can access each individual MAPDL instance with this code:

>>> pool[0]
<ansys.mapdl.core.mapdl.MapdlGrpc object at 0x7f66270cc8d0>

Note that this is a self-healing pool. If an instance of MAPDL dies during a batch process, that instance is automatically restarted. You can turn off this behavior by setting restart_failed=False when creating the pool.

Run a set of input files#

You can use the pool to run a set of pre-generated input files using the run_batch method. For example, this code would run the first set of 20 verification files:

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import examples
>>> files = [examples.vmfiles["vm%d" % i] for i in range(1, 21)]
>>> outputs = pool.run_batch(files)
>>> len(outputs)

Run a user function#

You can use the pool to run a custom user function on each MAPDL instance over a set of inputs. As in the example for the run_batch function, the following code uses a set of verification files. However, it implements it as a function and outputs the final routine instead of the text output from MAPDL.

completed_indices = []

def func(mapdl, input_file, index):
    # input_file, index = args
    output = mapdl.input(input_file)
    return mapdl.parameters.routine

inputs = [(examples.vmfiles["vm%d" % i], i) for i in range(1, 10)]
output =, inputs, progress_bar=True, wait=True)
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",
    "Begin level",

# Close the PyMAPDL pool.

Close the PyMAPDL pool#

You can close the PyMAPDL pool with the pool.exit() command.

>>> pool.exit()

API description#

For a comprehensive description, see Local MAPDL pool.